Amateur Radio has a Place at the Table for Engineering Day 2017 on Maui
Jim Andrews, KH6HTV, and Alan Maenchen, AD6E (aka KH6TU), staffed an Amateur Radio exhibit on February 26 for Engineering Day 2017 at the Queen Kaahumanu Center in Maui.
The main attention-getter was an operating display of Andrews’ 70-centimeter high-definition Amateur Radio digital TV system. Andrews and Maenchen also had a 100 W HF radio on the table as an introduction to discuss Amateur Radio’s world-wide communication capabilities. ARRL Pacific Section Manager Joe Speroni, AH0A, supplied an ARRL banner for a backdrop and ARRL literature to distribute.
The vast majority of attendees to the engineering day fair were elementary schoolers with their parents, who enjoyed seeing themselves on the DATV demonstration. The event supported two goals of the ARRL Strategic Plan — growing Amateur Radio worldwide and advancing Amateur Radio science and technology. — Thanks to ARRL PIO Stacy Holbrook, KH6OWL