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The QST Antenna Design Competition is Under Way!


ARRL members are invited to submit entries for the 2017 QST Antenna Design Competition. You can enter in one of three categories.

● 160 meters, LF, or VLF

● 80 through 10 meters

● 6 meters and higher bands

We can accept only one entry per person or team, so choose your category wisely. Don’t wait too long, though. The deadline is June 1, 2017!

First-place winners (individuals or teams) in each category will receive $500 each. Second and third-place winners in each category will receive $250 and $100, respectively. Winning designs will also be eligible for publication in QST.

Entries must include:

● Drawings with dimensions (hand drawings are acceptable).

● A list of materials required to build the antenna.

● A description and summary of any measurements taken (including SWR data).

● Photographs of the installed antenna.

● The entry category you’ve chosen for your design.

● Your name, mailing address, and e-mail address.

Only one entry per individual or team will be accepted. Entrants must be ARRL members. ARRL Headquarters staff and QST advertisers are not eligible.

Send your entry to QST, Attn: Antenna Design Competition, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111. Or e-mail your entry to [email protected]. The subject line should include your call sign and the words “Antenna Design Competition” (without quotes).

Complete rules are on the ARRL website. 



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