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ARRL Sections - Vermont



Contact Information

Section Name:
Paul N. Gayet
Evening Phone:

Basic Information

New England


HAM-CON, the ARRL Vermont State Convention will take place Saturday, February 22nd, 8AM-1:30 PM at the Hampton Inn Convention Center, off of I-89 Exit 16 in Colchester.

HAM-CON brings together hundreds of ham radio operators, computer wizards and electronic enthusiasts all in one location. A variety of activities will be running all morning, including an electronics flea market, live on-air ham radio station, forums on a multitude of communication topics and demonstrations of radio and electronic equipment.

HAM-CON is the only ham radio convention of its kind: a fully hybrid show held live in beautiful Vermont and also on-line at Be sure to attend! But if you cannot travel to the show, buy a ticket and on watch the events on line either live or after the show.

Why should you attend? We will have a tremendous line-up of stuff which any ham will find exciting. If you are a contester or DXer, we will have presentations on the K1TTT super station and the top flight W1NVT Field Day operation and even provide valuable hints on how to make all those QSO's on QRP. Are you more into digital? We will have forums on the HF digital modes and the microwave-based Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (AREDN). We'll have a sneak peak at some new equipment and even hit you with a wild game show based on ham radio.

But there is more! Our Convention station W1V will be on the air with a snazzy display. Get on and operate as we'll award a prize for the furthest DX. Aircraft safety has been in the news lately. Along those lines, we will have a display of ADS-B which will allow you to track aircraft in your area. And don't forget about the flea market where you can peruse all the goodies while chatting with your buddies.

Admission is only $7, if purchased on-line by February 14th, or $12 after that. Be sure to bring the kids for a chance to win a new HT - admission is free for those 18 and younger.

So don't just sit around thinking about ham radio. Get out to HAM-CON to meet and greet hams from the North Country or if that is not possible, join us on-line at the show.

Full details and advance tickets can be found at:


VERMONT: SM, Paul N. Gayet, AA1SU. For a list of Cabinet Appointees, see below. Open positions include Public Information Officer, and various other ARRL Field Organization appointments. Please visit ARRL Field Organization when you get a chance to see how you can help out in the Ham Radio community. It is up to us to keep Ham Radio strong in Vermont.

Traffic continues to be a fun part of the hobby and Vermont has several Hams active in this area. If you would like to learn more about passing Traffic, contact myself. Effective handling of Radio Grams keeps us more prepared for when an emergency arises. Plus, the people on the other end are always pleased as punch when they get one. So, check to see who has a birthday coming up, and compose a piece of Traffic. There is plenty of information on the ARRL web site too. You can download a form at: Radio Gram.

If you are interested in local government and how you can help represent Ham Radio in a positive light, I am looking for a Local Government Liaison in your town. This position monitors town proposals that might affect Ham Radio, as well as other duties. Visit the web page link in the yellow box below for a more detailed explanation of this important appointment.

Keep sending me your ideas, questions, and tell me of your activities in Vermont. I plan to put us in a bright light all year long.


Here is a list of the Vermont Districts and the DEC's:



1 Chittenden Grand Isle Franklin: OPEN

2 Orleans Essex Caledonia: Open

3 Washington Orange Lamoille: OPEN

4 Windsor: OPEN

5 Bennington: Bill Clark W1BVT 491-7707  [email protected]

6 Rutland: Adam Mickel WD1AJM 555-5555 

[email protected]

7 Addison: OPEN

8 Windham: Tim Bell KA1ZQX 365-7046 [email protected]


Our Ham Radio clubs have been busy all year long, by faithfully holding meetings, covering various interesting topics. These clubs are the backbone of our Amateur Radio culture, and you should be trying to get to a local meeting in your area, whenever possible. Your experience in the hobby can prove invaluable to a new Ham. A question from one of you new Hams, not only helps you, but gets the Old Timers thinking again too. So come on by: we all need to have our grey matter stirred up once in a while. Here is a list of Ham Radio Clubs in Vermont. Please check to see if one is near you.



Addison Co ARC N1FS Middlebury WA1NRA

Burlington ARC W1KOO Burlington W1HRG

Central VT ARC W1BD Barre KC1DPM 

CT Valley FM Assoc W1UWS Windsor N1RX

Green Mountain Wireless Society W1GMS WA1VT Rutland WA1VT

Radio Amateurs of Northern VT W1NVT WB1GQR South Burlington KC1IFK

Rutland Amateur Radio Experimenters WW1VT West Rutland AA1PR

Southern VT ARC K1SV Bennington KC1JWR

St Albans ARC N1STA St Albans KB1MCU

Twin State ARC W1FN Hanover, NH AC1HQ

West River RC W1RRC N Brattleboro KA1ZQX


For a list of Vermont and surrounding area repeaters, visit the VIRCC Site


Mitchell Stern
PO Box 8099
Essex, VT 05451
Home Phone: (802) 879-6589
Email Address: [email protected]

Mitchell Stern
PO Box 8099
Essex, VT 05451
Home Phone: (802) 879-6589
Email Address: [email protected]

Mitchell Stern
PO Box 8099
Essex, VT 05451
Home Phone: (802) 879-6589
Email Address: [email protected]



NAME             DAYS             TIME            FREQUENCY

GMN               MON-SAT      5:00 PM      3933 kHz

VT-NH             DAILY            7:00 PM      3539 kHz

VPTN              DAILY            7:30 PM      3857 kHz

GMWS            MONDAY       7:30 PM     147.045 MHz  Rutland

CVARC 160   MONDAY       8:00 PM     1966 kHz



ARRL Section Appointments All positions require ARRL membership and monthly reporting. Some positions have additional requirements. Contact Paul Gayet, [email protected]  at 802-878-2215 (evenings). Hope you can join the Vermont team!

Appointment Description:

Official Relay Station (ORS) If you handle traffic (ARRL radiograms) regularly on HF and/or repeater nets, the ORS appointment is for you. Traffic handling is a great way to hone your operating skills, and meet new friends. The League was founded in 1914 on the principle of relaying messages via Amateur Radio.

Official Emergency Station (OES) OES appointees are involved in emergency preparedness and operating. Requirements include regular participation in the local Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) drills and tests, emergency nets and, of course, real emergency situations. OES appointees must be able to operate on emergency power (battery, for example) and have at least one-band mobile capability (such as 2 meters).

Technical Specialist (TS) The TS serves as a technical oracle to local hams and clubs, helping them with technical questions, problems and radio frequency interference cases. You need not be an electrical engineer, just someone who's willing to help others enjoy their hobby. TS's also speak at local ham clubs and conventions.

Public Information Officer (PIO) PIO's provide local "grassroots" public relations. They give regular and frequent information about amateur services to the public via the local media, school programs, presentations to civic groups, exhibits and demonstrations. They also promote the distribution and airing of ARRL public service announcements and other audiovisual material, and public awareness of club recruiting and training activities.

Local Government Liaison (LGL) LGL's are responsible for monitoring proposals and actions by local government bodies which may affect Amateur Radio. They work with the local PIO to alert area amateurs to problems and opportunities involving local government agencies, and coordinate local responses.



Vermont Officials

  • Paul Gayet

    Section Manager

    Paul N. Gayet AA1SU

  • Joseph Roy

    Public Info Coordinator

    Joseph C. Roy W1JCR

  • Robert Messier

    Section Emergency Coordinator

    Robert B. Messier K1RBM

  • Bob Henneberger

    Assistant Section Manager

    Bob Henneberger K1BIF

  • Charles Piso

    Affiliated Club Coordinator

    Charles Piso N1CAI

  • Raymond Makul

    State Government Liaison

    Raymond E. Makul K1XV

  • Alan Zaur

    Section Traffic Manager

    Alan L. Zaur K1MZM

  • Mitchell Stern

    Technical Coordinator

    Mitchell R. Stern W1SJ


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