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Hurricane Maria - 2017

This page,, includes information and news summarizing the response by Amateur Radio (ham radio) volunteers for Hurricane Maria in September 2017.

The e-mail to send your Health and Welfare traffic and requests to is: [email protected] 
In the email please indicate clearly:
Your name and location (country city)
Whom you are inquiring of (full name)
Location / community the person(s) are at,
E-mail and /or phone number to reach you at for the return info.  


Information Resources  ARRL News   Donate to Ham Aid

Information Resources

National Hurricane Center

The Hurricane Watch Net

VoIP Hurricane Net

Caribbean Emergency and Weather Net

active Red Cross Shelters

Facebook Safety Check

Red Cross Safe and Well

ARRL NEWS ( for the latest news)

10/02/2017 | “Force of 50” Amateur Radio Volunteers Deploying Throughout Puerto Rico

09/29/2017 | Salvation Army Seeks Amateur Radio Operators for Possible Caribbean Deployment

09/27/2017 | ALE Operators Needed to Support Disaster Relief Flights in the Caribbean

09/27/2017 | Advisory: Requests for Information from the Public and the Press

09/26/2017 | Amateur Radio’s Force of Fifty Answers the Red Cross Call in Puerto Rico

09/25/2017 | Amateur Radio Volunteers Aiding Storm-Ravaged Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands

09/24/2017 | American Red Cross Asks ARRL’s Assistance with Puerto Rico Relief Effort

09/23/2017 | Caribbean Situation Critical, Clear Frequencies Essential

09/23/2017 | Amateur Radio Reports: Arecibo Observatory Dish Sustained Serious Damage from Maria

09/22/2017 | W1AW Suspending Transmissions This Evening, Will Pass Health-and-Welfare Traffic from Puerto Rico

09/22/2017 | Caribbean Emergency Weather Network Handling High Volume of Post-Storm Traffic

09/22/2017 | SATERN Seeks Volunteers to Serve as Net Control or Relay Stations

09/22/2017 | Colombian Radio Amateurs Asked to Assist in Reconnecting Family Members in Caribbean

09/21/2017 | Hurricane Watch Net, VoIP Hurricane Net, WX4NHC Stand Down from Maria Activations

09/20/2017 | Caribbean Emergency Weather Net Requests Clear Frequency

09/20/2017 | W1AW to Resume its Normal Transmission Schedule on Thursday Morning

09/20/2017 | Reports of Hurricane Devastation on Dominica Relayed by Amateur Radio, Picked up by Media

09/19/2017 | Amateur Radio Emergency Net Active in Wake of Earthquake in Central Mexico

09/19/2017 | W1AW Supporting Partners in Hurricane Response; Bulletins and Visitor Operations Currently Suspended

09/18/2017 | Caribbean Emergency Weather Net Activates; FEMA Announces Interoperability Nets

09/18/2017 | Hurricane Redux: Amateur Radio Community Goes on Alert for Maria


09/13/2017 | Help the Ham Aid Response Effort in Florida and the US Virgin Islands




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