On December 12, 1961, Amateur Radio entered the Space Age when OSCAR-1 was launched. Since then, amateurs from more than 22 different countries have launched over 70 satellites, exploring both digital and analog satellite technology. Many of the latest birds have been school experiments, training scientists and engineers. But, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to participate-- Some satellites operate FM and can actually be worked using a dual-band handheld transceiver. An excellent place to start is AMSAT's Station and Operating Hints page. AMSAT, or the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation, has played a key role in building, launching, and using amateur satellites.Occasionally, Radio Amateurs can talk with the astronauts on the International Space Station. For more information check out ARISS
ARRL Videos at the 2011 AMSAT Symposium
Bob Allison, WB1GCM, ARRL Test Engineer, interviews some of the key people today in AMSAT. Recorded November 5th, 2011 at the AMSAT Symposium in San Jose, California. Video by ARRL Laboratory Technical Consultant, Jerry Ramie, Ki6LGY.
For more information about the ARRL's working Oscar 1 prototype, see February, 2012 QST.
Lance Ginner, K6GSJ
One of Oscar 1's original builders, Lance reflects on Oscar 1 and his work on later Amateur Satellites.
Carrol Swain, W7DU
Carrol Swain, W7DU, first licensed in 1929, is active in satellite communications. Carrol explains how he started out in Ham Radio.
Jan King, VK6GEY
Jan King, VK6GEY and charter member of AMSAT, talks about his work in getting Oscar 5 launched from a NASA spacecraft. Not an easy task at the time!
Barry Baines, WD4ASW
Barry Baines, current President of AMSAT, talks about AMSAT today and of future planned Amateur satellites.
Gould Smith, WA4SXM
Gould Smith, WA4SXM, Project Manager of ARRISAT-1 talks about the satellite's recent launch from the International Space Station. Gould also explains the ARRISAT mock-up in front of him.
OSCAR-1 Launched 50 Years Ago
By Andreas Bilsing, DL2LUX. Translated and reprinted with the permission of Funkamateur
QRP to the ISS by Doug Cook, KD5PDN
QST February 2012
Contacting the International Space Station with a few watts and a shoestring budget antenna.
Those Keplerian Elements
Operating Manual 3rd Edition p. 13-19
What do those numbers mean?
Web Links
- ARISS News and Information The latest Information about the International Space Station.
- Keplerian Elements from ARRL These numbers are used to predict the orbit of a satellite.
- AMSAT - The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation They are responsible for many of the satellites used by amateur radio operators.
- Welcome to Heavens-Above
24 hour predictions for radio amateur satellites over your city
(This site is not very intuitive, but it does work well - Ed.) - Arrow II Satellite Antenna A hand held dual band 2M and 70 cm cross polarized Yagi. Product Review QST June 2000, p. 64
- Clint Bradford, K6LCS, describes how to work FM Amateur Satellites with your handheld transceiver.
ARRL Club Grants Fund Hardware for Florida students to make contact with the International Space Station (01/24/2025)
Student-Led ARISS Contact a Success (12/15/2023)
Students Wanted: Talk to an Astronaut via Amateur Radio in 2024! (09/29/2023)
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