November 23, 2021 Editor: Michael Walters, W8ZY | |
Welcome Welcome to the first edition of the re-launched ARRL Club News newsletter. The last time that this newsletter was published was December 2009. Some folks over the years have made the comment that clubs are dead. That is not the sentiment of today's ARRL leadership. Clubs are an essential part of the success of our organization, and we want to help them in any way that we can. Progress is often a challenge for many folks, and the way to help them with that is most often communication. If we know what is happening, we have the chance to adjust as we go. The best way for us to move forward together is to communicate from Headquarters to the field and for the field to have a way to communicate to ask questions and get answers from us. This newsletter will highlight some of the great things that clubs are doing. We want your feedback, and we want to know how your club is dealing with an ever-changing world. Let us know. Send your feedback to [email protected]. We are listening. Thanks - Mike Walters W8ZY, Field Services Manager The Premiere of NIGHT, the Movie During this year's ARRL Field Day, a visitor from John D'Aquino's Young Actors Workshop arrived at the Edmond Amateur Radio Society's location. Marcus Sutliff, N5ZY, talked with them and found they wanted to make a short film with an amateur radio plot, and they needed some help. They were filming in Stillwater, OK, and needed someone with film/video experience and someone who could be a technical advisor. So, they got Kevin O'Dell, N0IRW, involved, and in no time, he had assembled radios, props, consulted on the script, and was ready for a long day of filming. The purpose of this film is to give young aspiring actors a chance to hone their craft in a real movie environment. Thanks to the Oklahoma Film and Music Office,, they filmed three short movies in Oklahoma. So, when you watch the film, you can see the improvement in the youngsters as the movie progresses. This week the movie premiered in September and is available on YouTube as a 34-minute short at Kevin stars as the radio voice of Colonel and should be up for an Emmy for best supporting actor. Kevin says any requests for autographs should go through his agent, Wilma, W5WRO. Both Kevin and Marcus have their name in the credits, so make sure you stay through the ending! Thanks, Kevin, for putting a great light on amateur radio! South Jersey Radio Association POTA Event K2AA POTA EVENT Rick was first to get on the air, making a park-to-park QSO with a station on SSB in Florida (K8375). Later, when hooking up the amplifier, Rick realized he worked the Florida station on only 2 watts out since the 705 had been set up to excite the amplifier and was therefore set to only two watts out! No wonder the report was only 4 by 4, but the contact was made! Tony caused quite a pileup on 40-meter CW, and we realized we had been spotted. Once Tony got on the air, we discovered a problem that we had anticipated might occur - crosstalk between the two rigs despite their different frequencies. Our antennas and radios were just too close. Rick decided it might be best to operate in stages, so he logged for Tony who racked up 40-meter CW QSOs. A much-needed lunch break came at 1:30 PM when we decided to reorient the 20-meter inverted V's legs so they would be at 90 degrees to the 40-meter end fed. While that did not eliminate the cross-band interference, it was significantly improved to allow both stations to operate simultaneously. Rick fired up the 705 and small amplifier that was run at around 35 watts out. His first contact on 20-meter SSB was F4IDC in France reporting a 5-7 signal! Things were working very well. Before the afternoon was out, Rick worked five countries on 20-meter CW and SSB. All together Tony and Rick operating as K2AA worked 50 stations on two bands using CW and SSB in a little more than 2 hours. Meriden Amateur Radio, W1NRG, Club Gets Active Saturday, September 18 was a fine day for a POTA activation. This was my first time as a participant, and it went very well. I want to thank Dave Tipping, NZ1J, for his help and the loan of a battery and long-wire antenna to get me on the air. Eight of us showed up at Wharton Brook State Park that morning while John Kasinskas, KC1KQH, made it his second activation of the day after having already worked Sleeping Giant State Park. We had five stations going and made QSOs on all bands from 2 to 160 meters. I was happy to finish with 37 of my own, far more than I expected for my first time out. I couldn't have done it without Dave's assistance and the availability of equipment that could work bands my gear couldn't. Dave mentioned that he was approached later in the day by a park ranger who "seemed to be mesmerized by the idea of operating a radio in the park." He told the ranger about our VE sessions at the club. Never miss an opportunity to interest a new ham/member! The smiles on everyone's faces proves what a great time we all had. Rob Cichon, K1RCT, was working from the parking area above and behind what is shown in the picture, so you'll just have to use your x-ray vision to see him. --Ted Renzoni, KC1DOY The club is located in Meriden Connecticut. ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative There's an age-old question in our amateur radio community. "Why aren't there more youth involved in ham radio?" The question, though, often comes from individuals who are unfamiliar with the places where young hams are, and have always been, active participants.
If your radio club finds itself within arms reach of a college or university find out if it has an active college radio club. Even if doesn't, it may be worth finding out if there are active hams among the students and staff at the school. Introduce them to the resources ARRL has for networking college radio clubs. For more information about the ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative, visit -- Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, Director of Public Relations and Innovation, and liaison to the ARRL Collegiate Amateur Radio Initiative Memorial Donation
The High Desert Amateur Radio Club of New Mexico (HDARC) has made a donation to the ARRL Education & Technology Fund in memory of their friend Bill Firth, KE5TOB (SK). In addition to being active in HDARC, Bill also enjoyed photography, astronomy, shooting, and "G" scale model trains. We send our condolences to Bill's wife Beverly. Submitting Info for this Newsletter
ARRL Club News is for radio clubs to show how they are working in the community and the hobby to advance amateur radio. If your club does a project, supports an event, does an EmComm activation or activates a park, we want to hear about it. You can submit your newsletter article to us at [email protected]. We like to get them as text or Word files instead of "PDFs". If you have pictures, please submit them with any caption information, as well as the name and call sign of the photographer. We want to highlight the good work being done by the clubs and show others in the community of clubs. Think of this as a chance to show off your club and your programs. How to Plan and Apply for an ARRL Hamfest or Convention If your amateur radio club is planning to host a convention, hamfest, tailgate, or swapfest, please consider applying for ARRL sanctioned status for your event. To learn what it means to be an ARRL sanctioned event, and to get some ideas on how to prepare for and conduct a hamfest or convention, visit To apply for ARRL sanctioned status for your event, log on to The ARRL Hamfests and Conventions Calendar can be found online at In addition, the Convention and Hamfest Calendar that runs in QST each month also presents information about upcoming events. Important Links ARRL Home: | |