June 21, 2022 Editor: Michael Walters, W8ZY | |
Club Station ARRL invites you to be part of "Club Station," the newest column in QST. This column, written by clubs, for clubs, is a designated space to share specific and practical ideas about what has contributed to successful clubs to help others grow and thrive. In each issue, a different club will share how they undertook a specific activity or project, how and why it was successful, and any challenges they may have had to overcome throughout the process. Some examples include successful community club projects, creative ways to attract new members, or getting youth involved with ham radio. Additionally, many clubs across the country are being creative in meeting the challenges of COVID-19 to figure out how to keep club members active and enthusiastic. If your club has developed a creative way to get around common challenges, we want to hear from you! In order to help you tell your story, we have published a new version of the ARRL Author's Guide that is geared toward "Club Station," and includes a club profile form. Both of these documents can be found here. You don't have to have writing experience to be published in QST, and if your submission is accepted, our editorial staff will work with you to get your story ready for publication. All clubs are welcome to participate. If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you and hearing your story! Foxhunters Gather Foxhunting season is always open, and clubs around the country are participating in a variety of foxhunting events throughout the year. On May 14, 2022, the New Jersey Emergency Communications Team (NJECT) held its first annual foxhunt at Thompson Park in Monmouth County. The group was tasked with finding three separate transmitters. Photo taken by Karen Gold. Submitted by Holger Skurbe, K2HES, President of NJECT. PVRC Scholarship Donation At this year's Dayton Hamvention, the Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC) presented the ARRL Scholarship Fund with a check for $1,072.78. PVRC President Mike Barts, N4GU, and Treasurer Ted Bauer, WA3AER, made the presentation on Friday, May 20, to Melissa Stemmer, KA7CLO, who is the ARRL Developmental Manager. This donation to the (which fund, ARRL?) fund was the result of donated equipment sales by Ivan Lawton, W3IKE. Melissa was very appreciative of PVRC's donation and reports that she still intends to have the fund's web page support electronic donations. Until that option becomes available, you may call Melissa at 860-594-0348 to donate to the PVRC Scholarship using your credit card. - Ted Bauer, WA3AER Field Day 2022 Field Day is ham radio's open house. Every June, thousands of hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio's science, skill, and service to our communities. This single event combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933 and remains the most popular ham radio event throughout the hobby. Use ARRL's Field Day Station Locator to search for a Field Day site near you. ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program
As of April 19, 2022, ARRL covers the one-time $35 application fee for new license candidates younger than 18 years old that take tests administered under the ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (ARRL VEC) program. As part of the ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program, the $35 FCC application fee will be reimbursed after the ARRL VEC receives the completed reimbursement form and the new license has been issued by the FCC. The reimbursement check will be mailed to the fee payer. Also, candidates younger than the age of 18 would pay the ARRL VEC team a reduced exam session fee of $5 at the time of the exam. The $5 fee is for all candidates under the age of 18, regardless of the exam level taken. Proof of age is required at the session. Club Grant Program The ARRL Club Grant Program is now accepting applications. Your club, whether it's an ARRL Affiliated Club or not, can apply for a grant of up to $25,000. Details about the program were discussed in an online seminar that aired on May 4, which is now available on YouTube. Additional information is also posted on the ARRL Foundation Club Grant Program web page. If your club has a project they'd like to pursue, or if they have another need for funding, you're invited to explore the Club Grant Program. Questions may be directed to [email protected]. The application deadline is June 30 at 7:00 PM Eastern. Submitting Info for this Newsletter ARRL Club News is for radio clubs to showcase how they are working in the community and the hobby to advance amateur radio. If your club works on a project, supports an event, completes an EmComm activation, or activates a park, we want to hear about it. You can submit your newsletter article to us at [email protected]. We like to receive them as text or Word files (please no PDFs). If you have pictures, please submit them with a caption, as well as the name and call sign of the photographer. We want to highlight the good work being done by clubs and showcase their work to others in the community. Think of this as a chance to show off your club and your programs. How to Plan and Apply for an ARRL Hamfest or Convention If your amateur radio club is planning to host a convention, hamfest, tailgate, or swapfest, please consider applying for ARRL-sanctioned status for your event. To learn what it means to be an ARRL sanctioned event, and to get some ideas on how to prepare for and conduct a hamfest or convention, visit www.arrl.org/arrl-sanctioned-events. To apply for ARRL sanctioned status for your event, log on to www.arrl.org/hamfest-convention-application. The ARRL Hamfests and Conventions Calendar can be found online at www.arrl.org/hamfests. In addition, the Convention and Hamfest Calendar that runs in QST each month also presents information about upcoming events. Important Links ARRL Home: www.arrl.org Find an ARRL Affiliated Club: www.arrl.org/clubs Find your ARRL Section: www.arrl.org/sections Find a License Class in your area: www.arrl.org/class Find a License Exam in your area: www.arrl.org/exam Find a Hamfest or Convention: www.arrl.org/hamfests Email ARRL Clubs: [email protected] | |