Contester's Rate Sheet for March 13, 2002
*********************** ARRL Contest Rate Sheet 13 March 2002 *********************** Edited by Ward Silver, N0AX SUMMARY - Welcome - New releases of RoverLog and SD (logging software) - WRTC-2002 Travel Information Welcome to the first issue of the ARRL "Contest Rate Sheet". I hope this will become a valuable source of information for you about contesting "in the near term". If it keeps you from missing a log submission deadline -- I've done my job! The success of this newsletter will partly depend on the information I get from the contest community. If you have feedback, suggestions, corrections, news items, tips and tricks, and other items of timely import, please send them to [email protected]. For more information about how to subscribe, our publication schedule, etc. point your web browser at 73 and Happy Contesting! -- Ward, N0AX BULLETINS No bulletins this issue. ANNOUNCEMENTS & NOTICES for 13 March to 27 March Logs are due for the following contests: o March 13 for the CQ/RJ WW RTTY WPX Contest to [email protected] (CQ has asked that all logs be e-mailed). o March 15 for the REF Contest, CW to [email protected] or Reseau des Emetteurs Francais, REF Contest, BP 7429, 37074 Tours Cedex, France. o March 15 for the Minnesota QSO Party to [email protected] or to Sean Warner, K0XQ 3385 178th Avenue NW, Andover, MN 55304. o March 17 for the ARRL School Club Roundup (post only) to School Club Roundup, c/o Lew Malchick, N2RQ, Brooklyn Technical HS, 29 Fort Greene Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217. o March 18 for the YL-OM Contest, SSB (post only) to Phyllis Shanks, W2GLB/7 1345 W. Escarpa, Mesa, AZ 85201-3853. o March 19 for the ARRL International DX Contest, CW to [email protected] or to DX CW Contest, ARRL, 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111. o March 26 for the UBA DX Contest, CW to [email protected] or to Michel Le Bon, ON4GO, UBA HF Contest Manager, Chee de Wavre 1349, 1160 Bruxelles, Belgium. o March 26 for the CQC Winter QSO Party to [email protected] or to CQC Contest, POB 371883, Denver, CO 80237-1883. The following contests are scheduled: BARTG Spring RTTY Contest 0200Z, Mar 16 - 0200Z, Mar 18. Frequencies: 80 through 10-meters, work stations once per band. Categories are SO-Expert, SOSB, SOAB (one band change per 5 min), MS, MM, and SWL; SO operate 30 hours total with off periods min. of 3 hours. Operators with a Top Ten log during the past three years must enter as an Expert. Exchange: three-digit serial number and four-digit time. Multipliers: DXCC entities + W/VE/JA/VK call areas, counted once per band. Score is QSOs x multiplier x continents (count only once). For more information - Logs in Cabrillo format must be emailed or postmarked by 1 May to John Barber GW4SKA; PO Box 611; Cardiff; CF24 4UN; Wales (only logs with 50 or fewer QSOs may be submitted as printed logs) or by email to [email protected] with the call and entry class in the subject line and the log included as an attachment. Russian DX Contest, CW and SSB, from 1200Z, Mar 16 - 1200Z, Mar 17. Frequencies: 160 -- 10 meters, work stations once per band/mode. Categories: SOAB --HP and --LP (<100W), SOSB, MS (10 minute rule), MM, SWL; SO may enter Mixed Mode, CW, or SSB, MO and SWL are Mixed only. Exchange: RS(T) + serial number; RU stations -- RS(T) + Oblast designator. QSO points: own entity -- 2 pts; different entity, same continent -- 3 pts; diff. cont. -- 5 pts; with Russians -- 10 pts. Multiplier: DXCC entity + Oblasts, count once per band. Score: QSO points x multiplier. For more information -- Logs must be emailed or postmarked within 45 days of the contest to [email protected] or to Russian DX Contest, P. O. Box 59, 105122 Moscow, Russia. Virginia QSO Party, Phone and CW, sponsored by the Sterling Park ARC 1800Z, Mar 16 - 0200Z, Mar 18. Frequencies: CW - 1.805 and 50 kHz up; Phone -1.845 3.860 7.260 14.270 21.370 28.370 kHz; Novice/Tech -- 10 kHz up and 28.370; VHF/UHF - 50.125 144.200, 146.58, 223.50 446.00 MHz. No repeater or cross-mode QSOs. SO, MS, MM fixed station and mobile categories, no time limit, QSOs once per band/mode/VA QTH, VA stations work everyone, others work VA stations only. Exchange: serial number and SPC or VA county/city. QSO Points: Phone -- 1pt, CW -- 2 pts, Mobile -- 3 pts. Multipliers -- VA city/counties + SPC. Score: QSO Points x Multipliers (counted only once). VA mobiles add 100 pts per VA city/county activated. Add 500 pts for QSO with K4NVA. For more information - Logs must be emailed or postmarked by Apr 15 to [email protected] or Virginia QSO Party, Call Box 599, Sterling, VA 20167. Montana QSO Party, Phone and CW/Digital, sponsored by the Flathead Valley Amateur Radio Club from 2300Z Mar 16 to 2300Z Mar 17. Frequencies: all non-WARC HF bands, no categories or time limit. Exchange RST and SPC or MT county. Work MT stations once per band and mode; if a station changes counties, it can be worked again. Score is QSOs X SPC + MT counties (count each only once). Logs must be emailed or postmarked by April 15 to [email protected] or [email protected] or to F.V.A.R.C.; 117 Rainbow Drive; Kalispell, MT 59901. YL International Single Sideband System QSO Party, Phone, see Feb QST, p. 109 CLARA and Family HF Contest, Phone and CW, sponsored by the Canadian Ladies ARA, from 1700Z Mar 19 to 1700Z Mar 20. Frequencies: CW - 14.033, 21.033, 7.033, 3.688; Phone 28.300, 21.225, 14.120 14.285, 7033, 7.200, 3.750, 3.900 MHz, work CLARA and YL stations once per band/mode. Cross-mode contacts count as phone for both stations. SO category only, no time limit. Exchange: RS(T), name, QTH, and whether CLARA member, Family member, non-member YL, or OM. QSO Points: 5 pts for CLARA-members; 2 pts for CLARA family members; 3 pts for non-CLARA YLs; 1 pt for OMs. Multipliers are VE provinces and DXCC entities (only if QSO with YL) counted only once. Score is QSO points x multipliers. Logs must be emailed or postmarked by April 20 to [email protected] or to Helen Archibald VE2YAK; 130 Embleton Cres.; Pointe Claire, QC; Canada H9R 3N2 2002 Oklahoma QSO Party, Phone and CW/Digital sponsored by the Oklahoma DX Association (OKDXA) from 2300Z 22 Mar -- 2300Z 24 Mar. Frequencies: 160 -- 10, and 6 meters and higher, stations outside OK work OK stations only, contact stations once per band/mode/county, no repeater contacts, operate 36 hours max. Categories: SOHF -HP (>100W) -LP -QRP (<5W), SO-VHF, MS, OK-Rover. Exchange SPC or OK county. QSO points: Phone -- 2 pts, CW/Digital -- 3 pts. Multipliers; OK stations -- SPC, others - OK counties, mults counted once only. Score: QSO points x multiplier. For more information - Logs must be emailed (ADIF or CABRILLO format preferred) or postmarked (<100 QSOs only) by 30 April to [email protected] or to OKDX Assoc. c/o David Ratliff, W5ATV, 3215 W 40th, Tulsa, OK 74107. Spring QRP Homebrewer Sprint, CW and PSK31, sponsored by New Jersey QRP Club from 0000Z to 0400Z, Mar 25. Frequencies: QRP CW and PSK31 frequencies on 80 -- 10 meters, CW and PSK31 are considered separate bands. Exchange: RST + SPC + Output Power. QSO Points: 2pts for QSOs made with Commercial Equipment; 3pts for Homebrew Xmtr or Rcvr; 4 pts for Homebrew Xmtr AND Rcvr or Xcvr; 5 pts for Homebrew PSK31 station, Kits are ok for homebrew. Multiplier: SPC counted once per band. Power Multiplier: 0-250 mW = x 15, 250 mW-1W = x10, 1-5W = x7, >5W = x1. Score: QSO Points x SPC (total for all bands) x power multiplier. For more information - Logs must be emailed (text only) or postmarked 30 days from the contest to [email protected] or Ken Newman, N2CQ; 81 Holly Drive; Woodbury, NJ 08096 NEWS & PRESS RELEASES The lists of Logs Received for the 2001 ARRL International EME Competition, 2002 ARRL RTTY Roundup, and 2001 ARRL November Phone Sweepstakes has been posted at If you find an error or omission, please contact Dan Henderson at [email protected] or phone 860-594-0232. If your log is missing, please have the numbered submission receipt available when you contact Dan. N1MU released version 1_0_0 of his RoverLog VHF/UHF/Microwave contest logging software on February 25th. New in this release are networking, better sked handling, and a user manual. RoverLog can be obtained from (Thanks, N1MU) SD Version 9.85, released March 2, adds support for NEQP for all entrants outside New England. Select Contest Type 4, and NEQP as the multiplier file. SD may be downloaded from (Thanks, EI5DI) Recent discussion regarding the QSL service offered by suggests that there is some confusion about ARRL QSL policy. Simply put, there has been no change in League policy regarding eQSLs. ARRL does not accept QSLs that have been transmitted to the recipient via electronic means for its awards. For the full story, see - For those of you thinking about attending WRTC-2002, more information on accommodations and lodging is available. Guest programs during the contest on 14.07.02 offer visits to Hvittr�sk or Porvoo Old City. Post contest destinations include Magical Lappland (OH9), Imperial St. Petersburg (UA1), Tallinn (ES1), and an Excursion to the Aland Islands (OH0). See Information about accomodation in Helsinki (for non-competitors/referees) can be found at If you need more information, please email the WRTC-2002 travel manager - [email protected]. TECHNICAL & TECHNIQUE Tip of the Week -- Unless the station running the pileup explicitly specifies otherwise, always send your full callsign, even if it's a 2x3 with a portable or upgrade designator. By doing so, you increase the likelihood of good things happening. More of your call is likely to be received by the operator on the other end. This reduces the number of stations that are likely to respond (in competition with you) to the partial call. It will also increase the contact rate for you and for the other guy. Over the past week, the CQ-Contest reflector has seen an excellent discussion of the use of Uninterruptable Power Supplies in the contester's shack. A lot of very useful information is contained in the archived messages available via CONVERSATION This week's doggerel is dedicated to long-time contest operator Chip Margelli, K7JA, who discovered another way to 'get rate' earlier this month. (See for the whole story.) A marathon down in L.A. Featured K7JA He said with a bounce "There was no search and pounce. I happily ran the whole way!"