Contester's Rate Sheet for December 30, 2003
*********************** Contester's Rate Sheet 31 December 2003 *********************** Edited by Ward Silver, N0AX SUMMARY o Happy New Year! Get on the air for fun, short contests! o Spectrum Protection Act - call your representatives o Indiana QSO Party and EU Sprint Results o Lightning Strike Data o Sonic Boom Alarm Clock o Hey, Old Timer! Happy New Year to all the Rate Sheet's readers - if we haven't cracked the 10k mark with this issue, we're perilously close. Thanks for making the Rate Sheet a wonderful success! - 73, Ward N0AX BULLETINS o QST's "Contest Corral" for January lists the incorrect date for the January VHF Sweepstakes. The contest is on the weekend before the NFL Super Bowl, beginning 1900Z Saturday, Jan 24 and ending on 0400Z Monday 26 Jan. BUSTED QSOS o The Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge and the RAC Winter Contest were accidentally omitted from the last issue in a spasm of editorial brevity. My apologies - I hope you didn't miss either one because of my omission. ANNOUNCEMENT & NOTICES FOR 31 DECEMBER TO 13 JANUARY 2004 Logs are due for the following contests: December 31 - IPA Contest, CW/SSB, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Uwe Greggersen, DL8KCG, Hurststr 9, D-51645 Gummersbach, Germany December 31 - Japan Int. DX Contest, Phone, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: JIDX Phone Contest, c/o Five-Nine Magazine, PO Box 59, Kamata, Tokyo 144-8691, Japan December 31 - All Austrian 160-Meter Contest, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: OEVSV-HQ, HF-Contest Manager, Eisvogelgasse 4/1, A-1060 Vienna, Austria December 31 - TARA RTTY Melee , Post scores to:, paper logs and diskettes to: (none) January 3, 2004 QRP ARCI Topband Sprint, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Tom Owens, WB5KHC, 1916 Addington St, Irving, TX 75062-3505 USA January 6, 2004 QRP ARCI Holiday Spirits Homebrew Sprint, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Tom Owens, WB5KHC, 1916 Addington St, Irving, TX 75062-3505 USA January 7, 2004 ARRL 160-Meter Contest, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: 160 Meter Contest, ARRL, 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111, USA January 9, 2004 AGB Party Contest, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Igor "Harry" Getmann, EU1EU, P.O. Box 143, Minsk 220005, Belarus January 10, 2004 PSK Death Match , Post scores to:, paper logs and diskettes to: Brian R. Pawloski, W8BRI, PO Box 140012, Grand Rapids, MI 49514-0012, USA The following contests are scheduled: Note that the following abbreviations are used to condense the contest rules summaries: SO - Single-Op; M2 - Multiop - 2 Transmitters; MO - Multi-Op; MS - Multi-Op, Single Transmitter; MM - Multi-Op, Multiple Transmitters; AB - All Band; SB - Single Band; S/P/C - State/Province/DXCC Entity; HP - High Power; LP - Low Power; Entity - DXCC Entity HF CONTESTS There are a number of short contests celebrating the New Year. For more information, view the Web sites for each contest. o ARRL Straight-Key Night--see page 96 of December 2003 QST or o New Years Snowball Contest--sponsored by the Activity Group of Belarus (AGB)-- o HA Happy New Year Contest--sponsored by the Budapest Society of the Hungarian Radio Amateur Society and the Pusk�s Tivadar Radio Amateur Club-- o SARTG New Year RTTY Contest--sponsored by the Scandinavian RTTY Activity Group (SARTG)-- WIA Welcome to HF QSO Party, sponsored by the Wireless Institute of Australia, 1300Z 31 Dec - 2400Z 1 Jan. All HF bands and modes. The VK radio amateurs appearing on HF bands for the first time can be identified by three-letter VK callsign suffixes that begin with the letters H, T, U, X, Y and Z. WIA amateur stations will be on air to join the HF QSO Party, and these have two-letter callsign suffixes "WI" or three letter suffixes starting with "WI." Get on and welcome the new VK hams that might take an interest in HF contesting from Down Under. (Thanks, Bob W2CE) ARRL RTTY Roundup--1800Z Jan 3 - 2400Z Jan 4, operate for 24 hours max. with no more than two off periods. Frequencies: 80 -- 10 meters. Categories: SO-LP, SO-HP, MS-LP, MS-HP, 10-minute band-change rule for MS. Exchange: RST + state/province/serial number. QSO Points: 1 pt/QSO. Score: QSO points x States + Provinces + DXCC entities counted only once (KH6, KL7 count as DXCC only). For more information - Logs due 3 Feb to [email protected] (Cabrillo format only) or RTTY Round-Up, ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111. Kid's Day--Phone, sponsored by the Boring Amateur Radio Club from 1800Z to 2400Z Jan 4. Frequencies: 28350 - 28400, 21380 - 21400, 14270 - 14300 kHz, and 2-meter repeaters with permission of repeater control ops. Exchange: Name, age, location and favorite color. If the operator has changed, a station can be contacted again. For more information: see page 50 of December 2003 QST or No scores or logs are required - every participant is eligible to receive a colorful certificate. Send a 9 X 12 SASE to Boring Amateur Radio Club, Box 1357, Boring, OR 97009. North American QSO Party--CW, sponsored by the National Contest Journal from 1800Z Jan 10 - 0600Z Jan 11. Frequencies: 160 - 10-meters. Categories: SOAB and M2, 100 W power limit, operate a maximum of 10 hours (off times must be at least 30 min and M2 entries may operate the entire contest). Exchange: Name and SPC. Score: QSOs X States + Province + NA DXCC countries (count each once per band). For information: Logs due Feb 10 to [email protected] or Bruce Horn, WA7BNM, 4225 Farmdale Avenue, Studio City, CA 91604. The same mailing address will be used for both modes of this contest. Hunting Lions in the Air--CW/Phone, sponsored by the South African District 410B of the Int'l Association of Lions Clubs from 0000Z Jan 10 - 2400Z Jan 11. Frequencies: 80 - 10 meters, work stations once per band regardless of mode. Categories: SOAB, MS. Exchange: RST and serial number, Lion club members also sign /L or "Lion" and send name, district and club name. The Midrand Lions station ZS6LCM/L will act as the Melvin Jones Memorial club this year. QSO Points: non-Lion station--1 pt, with Lions--5 pts, 25 points with ZS6LCM/L. Score: QSO points X number of Lions clubs worked (count only once). For more information: Logs due Feb 28 to [email protected] or to Lion Rad Handfield-Jones ZS6RAD, Lions Club of Midrand, PO Box 1548, Halfway House, 1685, South Africa. DARC 10-meter Contest--CW/SSB, sponsored by the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club from 0900Z -1059Z Jan 11. Frequencies: CW 28.000 - 28.200 MHz, SSB 28.300 - 28.700 MHz, work stations once only. Categories: SO-Mixed Mode and SO-CW. Exchange: RS(T) and serial number, DL stations add DOK code. QSO points: 1 pt/QSO. Score: QSOs x WAE and DXCC entities + DOK codes. For more information: Logs due 31 Jan to [email protected] or Frank Steinke, DL8WAA, PO Box 1188, D-56238 Selters, Germany UK DX Contest--CW, sponsored by the Scottish-Russian ARS from 1200Z Jan 10 - 1200Z Jan 11 (CW Jun 26 - 27, RTTY Jul 17 - 18) Frequencies: 160 - 10-meters. Categories: SOAB and SOSB (HP, LP <100 watts, QRP < 10 watts), MS, MM. Exchange: RST and serial number, UK stations send UK region code. QSO Points: Own DXCC entity--1pt, same continent--2 pts, different cont--3 pts, UK stations--5 pts. Score: QSO points X UK regions + DXCC entities on each band. For more information: Logs due 30 days after the contest to [email protected] or Scottish-Russian ARS, PO Box 7469, Glasgow, G42 0YD, Scotland, U.K. Midwinter Contest--CW/SSB, sponsored by the Dutch YL Committee, CW from 1400Z - 2000Z Jan 10, SSB from 0800Z - 1400Z Jan 11. Frequencies: 80 - 10-meters, SSB 3.600-3.650, 7.080-7.090, 14.270-14.300, 21.270-21.300, 28.470-28.500 MHz. Categories: YL-SSB, YL-CW, OM-SSB, OM-CW, SWL. Exchange: RS(T) and sequence number, OMs start with 001 and YLs start with 2001. QSO Points: YL--5 pts, OM--3 pts. Score: QSO points x DXCC entities counted once per mode. Logs due 28 Feb to [email protected] or PA3GQG - Contest Manager Midwinter Contest, Olmenplein 3, 6463 EV Kerkrade, The Netherlands. VHF CONTESTS No VHF Contests are scheduled (see Bulletins) NEWS & PRESS RELEASES While your federal representatives are home during the Congressional Recess (do they play kickball during recess?) it would be a good time to call their offices and encourage them to support or co-sponsor the Spectrum Protection Act. Complete information is in the 12 Dec issue of the ARRL Letter at The date for the CQ World-Wide RTTY WPX in February is incorrect in the January 2004 issue of CQ magazine. The contest runs on February 14-15, 2004 and logs are due on March 19, 2004. The CQ website is being modified this week to show the correct dates. (Thanks, Trey N5KO) Scott K7ZO has put together a very nice Web page at describing the NK7U contest station. Check out that exceptional aluminum farm Joe has put together in the hills near Baker, OR. Ellen White W1YL and Jim White K4OJ and a crew of ops put on a very nice M/M effort in the CQ WW CW using recently-deceased father Bob's call, W1CW. The Tampa Tribune did a very nice story on the event and it can be found at (Thanks, Jim K4OJ) The "Psycho Rover" video can be viewed on-line at Select [Downloads] and then either [Medium] for broadband or [Low] for dial-up connections. This is worth the download time. Play it at a club meeting for a real treat! Why do they do it? Because they can...and they want to be number one! (Thanks, Ev W2EV) Off-line for a few days while the QSO times were removed from the results, log searching for the TO4E/TO4WW expedition to Europa is now back on-line at Glad to see my lone QSO is in there! As TO4WW, the team made around 4k QSOs. Version 1.1 of Ham Radio Deluxe is now available. Originally designed just for the FT-817, the program has been expanded to more than 40 radio models. The interface is not just a copy of a radio front panel, but uses more buttons and supports "slider" controls if the rig interface allows them. Satellite tracking, "SuperBrowse" PSK31 support and a mapping program with a number of great features are also provided. The program is freeware and is actively supported with an ongoing development program. The developers received the RSGB's Special 90th Anniversary Award "in recognition of their significant contribution to the development of amateur radio technology." Complete information is available at For antenna design gurus and guru-wannabes out there, antenneX has released the "CD Double Pack Vol #4" containing 1476 articles. ( There are 560 by L.B. Cebik and the "antenneX on CD-ROM Version 9.0." If you get busy now, you can have them all built by the time Cycle 24 starts! (Thanks, Steve K7LXC) Ever wondered how the common rotator got its start? The 'History of the Bell Rotator' has been published on-line at (Thanks, Don N8DE) The ever-modest Doug K1DG asked to be sure that EDN magazine is credited for the handy Christmas light articles mentioned in the last issue. RESULTS AND RECORDS The 2003 Indiana QSO Party (INQP) results have been posted on the web at Certificates should be in the mail by Christmas. (Thanks, Tim N9LF) This was received from Jeff KU8E regarding the Georgia QSO Party. "There has been a problem with the processing of the 2003 Georgia QSO Party logs. I have taken over as the GQP contest director, starting with the 2004 Georgia QSO Party. Recently, I sent an email (those I could find an address for) directly to everyone who we received a log from for the 2003 contest to resubmit their logs to me at [email protected] . I have received logs from many of you but not everyone. Please check the GQP webpage at If there is not an asterisk next to your call I don't have a log from you. The deadline to resubmit your log is January 1st, 2004. I apologize for any inconvience this might have caused to everyone. Thanks." The EU Sprint is becoming a very popular contest. Paolo I2UIY reports that more than 100 logs were received and more than 10,000 QSOs were reported. The complete report is available The contest sponsors also publish all UBN (log checking) reports for public review. This seems like a good idea for all contests...after all, the QSOs are public. 2003 Collegiate QSO Party results have been posted to the CARA Web site at Brad K4RT reports a good turnout this year and reminds everyone that the ARRL School Roundup is coming up Feb 9-13. Rules are posted at TECHNICAL & TECHNIQUE While you're out exchanging those "unusual" presents, keep an eye out for the Sonic Alert Sonic Boom Alarm Clock with Super Shaker Bed Vibrator. This will absolutely keep you from missing the Sunday morning sunrise openings. It has a 113-dBsiren, mattress shaker attachment, and makes the bedside light flash incessantly. Caution, it might annoy your spouse. (Thanks, Tom K1KI) Here's something actually useful to exchange those presents for - the Leatherman "Squirt EL" is a pocket version of the multi-function tool specialized for electronic tinkerers. Very handy items include a wire stripper for 12 - 20 ga, a blindingly sharp knife blade, credible small pliers, multiple screwdrivers, tweezers, and so forth. Apparently, this is an exclusive product at RadioShack, but look around. With the 82-mile linkup of 802.11 devices reported earlier this month, you might be interested in the results of WiFi "shootouts" at The WLAN guys have discovered what contesters have known about antennas for decades - bigger is better! This lends a whole new meaning to "Cantenna!" Brent also mentions the heavy-duty support for Ethernet in the MiLog program (, including connection to remote devices. (Thanks, Brent W5WW) To keep an eye on solar conditions at the touch of a button, surf to and put a shortcut to it on your desktop. If you have Internet Explorer, choose [File], then [Send], and then [Shortcut to Desktop]. This will give you an almost instantaneous reading of the current solar flux and A and K indexes. It will also list any space storms and the prediction for the space weather and blackouts for the next 24 hours. (Thanks, David N9KT) Barry W2UP contributes a detailed comparison of a 600-foot Beverage antenna and a rotatable receiving loop at Lighting chasers will enjoy the following links to lightning strike information: and from Vaisala Global information is not available in real-time, but can be found at (Thanks, Pete N4ZR) Comparing air-wound coax baluns and ferrite bead baluns (also known at W2DU baluns) is difficult without good data. For the coax baluns, a comprehensive set of measurements was made by WF3T and is available on the K1TTT Web site at: (Thanks, Mario S56A) YOUR ASSIGNMENT: Get on the bands and exchange Happy New Year in as many different languages as you can. From the "Radio Amateur's Conversation Guide" by OH2BR and OH2BAD (, here is "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" in seven tongues: German - Frohe Weihnachten und ein gliickliches Neues Jahr. French - Joyeux noel et bonne annee. Italian - Buon natale e felice anno nuovo. Spanish - Feliz navidad y ano nuevo. Portuguese - Feliz Natal e Prospero Ano Novo. Phonetic Russian - Visjolava razdestva i snovyim godam! Japanese - Christmas omedetogozaimasu, Tanoshii Christmas-o, Shinnen omedetogozaimasu, Yoi otoshio. And for those of you speakers of Hindi, "Naya Saal Mubaarak!" (Additional interesting languages are shown at CONVERSATION Hey, Old Timer! Late on December 31st, somewhere in the F2-layer, high above the auroral zone, an ethereal radio shack fades into view and we peer in the window as a young fellow strides up to the door and knocks... Old Timer: (taking off the headphones and slowly getting to his feet) I'm coming, I'm coming, QRX. (opens the door) It's about time you showed up. I was beginning to think I was going to have to take your shift! New Year Kid: (stepping inside and looking around) Say, you don't look so good. OT: You'll feel the same way after spending a year sitting in front of a radio - my butt hurts. Here's a tip - get a good chair. I'm sorry I ever stopped at that garage sale. NYK: Point taken, gramps. Here, I brought you a beer. I'm not old enough to drink one, though. OT: A cold 807, just what the doctor ordered! NYK: A cold what? OT: Never mind...ready for the 2004 contests? NYK: You bet! Bring 'em on! OT: (under his breath) Oh, boy, a live one. NYK: What's that? OT: Nothing, kid. I'll drink your health! (opens the beer and takes a big swig) NYK: Anything I should know about before midnight? OT: Well, now that you mention it... NYK: Go on, it can't be too hard. OT: The eternal optimism of youth. Well, let's see, conditions have been rotten. NYK: It's gotta get better, right? OT: If you're a low-band operator, maybe. NYK: mean like 20-meters? OT: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (Wiping his eyes with his robe and taking another pull on his beer) Kid, how are you at staying up late and getting up early? Try 80 and 160 some time, they're fun! NYK: Well, I don't get on those bands much, they're pretty noisy... OT: Builds character, son. Anyway, Cycle 23 gave a pretty good kick there around CQ WW, but it's all over now. NYK: The whole year? What else should I know about? OT: Oh, some good, some bad. What do you want first? NYK: The bad news, I suppose. OT: You're learning fast. I guess there's BPL lurking out there... NYK: Brass Pounder's League? OT: Read the Web sites, kid. Oh, and the perpetual packet mess. NYK: How so? OT: Busted calls, unruly pileups, single-op cheaters, self-spotting, and they WON'T DRINK MILK! NYK: Calm down, old timer! OT: Sorry, kid. (mops his brow and takes another drink) Watch out for the reflector flame wars. I'm amazed at what people will say in public in an email! NYK: Why do they do that? OT: Clueless, I guess. They just put the CAPS LOCK down and fire away! NYK: What about that guy that types in all capitals? He cusses a lot! OT: Oh, don't mind him. He's an old RTTY operator. He's not really cussing, he just hit the Numbers key and forgot to shift back to letters...heh, heh, heh. NYK: What's a Numbers key? OT: Never mind, how about some of the good stuff? I'm getting sleepy. NYK: Hurry up, then. OT: Don't rush me...let's see...the whole Web thing is starting to catch on for collecting results. Some of the contest results were out in under a year! NYK: Under a year? I'll be gone by the time they're out if they don't make it snappy! Hey, keep awake, there! OT: Say, who's gonna do my QSLs? Oh, yeah - Logbook of the World should be a big help. NYK: I wasn't looking forward to all that postage. OT: I should think's about time we went electronic. Anyway, the very best thing is that there's just so much more activity! My logs are full every weekend. NYK: Well, duh. It's just so cool. OT: Turn your hat around, you look like an idiot. NYK: Lighten up, pops! Time for you to hit the sack! OT: Yeah, I guess so. (finishes his beer) Ahhhh. Gimme a hand out of this chair. I'm going to head down to the D-layer and take a good, long nap. You take care and don't let the lids get you down, OK? NYK: You bet, old timer, don't trip over that sporadic-E on your way! OT: Diddly-bump-de-bump, kid. NYK: (closes shack door and sits at the radio, picking up a piece of paper left by the Old Timer) Hmmm...I wonder what this Straight Key Night is all about...(he dons headphones and fades into the night) As the Old-Timer slowly makes his way down, it's time to wish all of you the best fortunes in 2004. May your logs be full, your accuracy high, and the static low. See you down the log! 73, Ward N0AX ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Contester's Rate Sheet wishes to acknowledge information from the following sources: WA7BNM's Contest Calendar Web page - ARRL Contest page - SM3CER's Web site -