Contester's Rate Sheet for March 24, 2004
*********************** Contester's Rate Sheet 24 March 2004 *********************** Edited by Ward Silver, N0AX SUMMARY o CQ WPX SSB and the Poisson D'Avril Contests o NCJ News and Rohn Collectors Group Forming o RAC, LXDX, FQP, JIDX Results or Claimed Score Lists o Robot Direct Log Converter o Equinoctical Effluvia o I Wish BULLETINS o Logs due for ARRL DX CW - TODAY!! BUSTED QSOS o A golden issue last time. ANNOUNCEMENT & NOTICES FOR 24 MARCH TO 6 APRIL 2004 Logs are due for the following contests: March 24 - ARRL Inter. DX Contest, CW, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: DX CW Contest, ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111, USA March 24 - CQC Winter QSO Party, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: CQC Contest, P.O. Box 17174, Golden, CO 80402-6019, USA March 30 - REF Contest, SSB, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: F6ETI, Philippe Martin, Lot nr 8, 10 Impasse Marie Rose Guillot, 19240 Varetz, France March 30 - UBA DX Contest, CW, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Michel Le Bon, ON4GO, UBA HF Contest Manager, Chee de Wavre 1349, 1160 Bruxelles, Belgium March 31 - Dutch PACC Contest, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Ad van Tilborg, PA0ADT, Schepenenveld 141, 7327 DB Apeldoorn, Netherlands March 31 - YL-ISSB QSO Party, CW, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: N4KNF/N4ZGH, 2160 Ivy Street, Port Charlotte, FL 33952, USA March 31 - CQ 160-Meter Contest, SSB, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: CQ 160-Meter Contest, 25 Newbridge Road, Hicksville, NY 11801, USA March 31 - YL-ISSB QSO Party, SSB, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: N4KNF/N4ZGH, 2160 Ivy Street, Port Charlotte, FL 33952, USA March 31 - AGCW QRP Contest, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Edmund Ramm, DK3UZ, Anderheitsallee 24, Bramfeld, D-22175 Hamburg, Germany April 1 - Six Meter Club 6m Mileage Marathon, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Wayne Lewis, W4WRL, Contest Director, 3338 South Cashua Drive, Florence, SC 29501-6306, USA April 1 - North Carolina QSO Party, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: NC QSO Party, c/o Henry Heidtmann, 934 Franklin St, Winston-Salem, NC 27101, USA April 4 - UBA Spring Contest, CW, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Lode Kenens, ON6KL, Oudestraat 8, B-3560 Lummen, Belgium April 5 - RSGB Commonwealth Contest, CW, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: RSGB-G3UFY, 77 Bensham Manor Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7 7AF, England April 6 - ARRL Inter. DX Contest, SSB, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: DX Phone Contest, ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111, USA April 6 - DARC 10-Meter Digital Contest, email to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Werner Ludwig, DF5BX, PO Box 1270, 49110 Georgsmarienhuette, Germany The following contests are scheduled: Note that the following abbreviations are used to condense the contest rules summaries: SO - Single-Op; M2 - Multiop - 2 Transmitters; MO - Multi-Op; MS - Multi-Op, Single Transmitter; MM - Multi-Op, Multiple Transmitters; AB - All Band; SB - Single Band; S/P/C - State/Province/DXCC Entity; HP - High Power; LP - Low Power; Entity - DXCC Entity HF CONTESTS Spring Break RTTY Sprint--sponsored by the Collegiate Amateur Radio Association from 1800Z Mar 27 - 0000Z Mar 28. Frequencies: 80 - 10 meters. Categories SO or MO (QRP, LP, HP). Exchange: RST, S/P/C, and College name (if college club). For more information: CQ WW SSB WPX Contest--SSB--sponsored by CQ Magazine, from 0000Z Mar 27- 2400Z Mar 28. Frequencies: 160 -- 10 meters. Categories: SOAB, SOSB, SO-Assisted, -HP, LP, and --QRP, MS (10-min rule), MM, SO-Rookie, SO-Tribander-and-Single-Wire, SO-Band-Restricted. SO operate 36 hours max with off times at least 60 min. Exchange: RS(T) + serial number. QSO Points: different continents--3pts (14-28 MHz) and 6 pts (1.8-7 MHz), with North America--2 pts (14-28 MHz) and 4 pts (1.8-7 MHz), with own country--1 pt. Score: QSO points x prefixes worked (ie, N8, KA1, HG73, JD1) counted only once. For more information: Logs due May 1 to [email protected]. 50th Annual Poisson d'Avril Contest 0000Z -- 1954Z Apr 1. All bands, all modes: HF, VHF, UHF, WARC, 60 meters ("channel 3" only), 11 meters, telepathy. Categories: SO-AB or SO-The Band (specify instrument), MO-3 Transmitter (Three shall be the counting of the transmitters in this category, and the counting of the transmitters in this category shall be three. Neither shalt thou count two, unless it is followed by three. Four is right out.), Rover category - new this year; stations are allowed to change location if they move at least six furlongs and a Smoot. Self-spotting is permitted using a fake call sign or bogus IP address. Exchange: a randomly-chosen line from any well-known poem. No limericks about young ladies from Brizes unless the committee hasn't heard that one yet. Multi-pliers encouraged - the committee prefers Vise-Grips(tm). Contacts worth pi or e depending on operator's rationality. Score must be computed using a slide rule. Logs due NO LATER than the day before you read this to [email protected]. SP DX Contest--CW/SSB--sponsored by the PZK Polish Amateur Radio Union and the SP DX Club from 1500Z Apr 3 - 1500Z Apr 4. Frequencies: 160 -- 10 meters, according to the IARU Region I band plan, no crossmode QSOs. Categories: SOAB and SOSB (CW, SSB, or Mixed), SO-Three Band Mixed, SO-QRP, MS Mixed (incl. nets, packet, Internet), SWL Mixed. Exchange: RS(T) and serial number or Polish province abbreviation. QSO Points: 3 pts for each SP contact, SP stations count 3 pts outside EU, 1 pt for EU (no pts for SP-SP QSOs). Score is QSO points x provinces (counted once per band and mode) or DXCC entities (for Polish stations). For more information: Logs due Apr 30 to [email protected] (Cabrillo format preferred) or to Polski Zwiazek Krotkofalowcow, SPDX Contest Committee, PO Box 320, 00-950 Warszawa, Poland. Missouri QSO Party--CW/SSB--sponsored by the Boeing Employees Amateur Radio Society of St. Louis (BEARS) from 1800Z Apr 3 - 0500Z Apr 4, and 1800Z - 2400Z Apr 4. Frequencies (MHz): CW--40 kHz from band edge and 1.810; Phone--1.850, 3.980, 7.280, 14.280, 21.380, 28.310, work MO stations once per band and mode. Categories: Fixed, MO Mobile, MO Rover. Exchange: RST, serial number, and MO county or S/P/C. QSO Points: CW--2 pts, Phone 1 pt. Score: MO stations--QSO Points x States + Provinces + MO counties + 1 for DX; non-MO stations--QSO Points x MO counties. Multipliers count only once. QSOs with W0MA count add'l 100 QSO points. For more information: Logs due 30 days after the contest to [email protected] or James L Kinser N0AJ, 2147 Encino Dr, Florissant, MO 63031-7627. Montana QSO Party--Phone/CW/Digital--sponsored by the Flathead Valley Amateur Radio Club from 2300Z Apr 3 - 2300Z Apr 4. Frequencies: 160 meters -- 70 cm, no categories, repeaters and IRLP are permitted. Exchange: RST and S/P/C or MT county. If a station changes counties, it can be worked again. Score: QSOs x S/P/C + MT counties (counted only once). Logs due May 10 to [email protected] or FVARC, 117 Rainbow Drive, Kalispell, MT 59901. EA RTTY Contest--sponsored by the Uni�n de Radioaficianados Espa�oles (URE.) from 1600Z Apr 3 - 1600Z Apr 4. Frequencies: 80 -- 10 meters, according to IARU band plan. Categories: SOAB, SOSB, MOAB, SWL. Exchange: RST and serial number or EA Province. QSO Points: 10 - 20 meters: own continent--1 pt, diff cont--2 pts; 40 and 80 meters: own cont--3 pts, diff cont--6 pts. Score is QSO points x DXCC entities + EA provinces + W/VE/JA/VK call areas counted once per band. If operating portable, sign /call area. For more information: Logs due May 8 to [email protected] as ASCII text or Cabrillo format or Antonio Alcolado EA1MV, PO Box 240, E-09400 Aranda de Duero, (Burgos) Spain 48th Annual QCWA QSO Party--CW/Digital/SSB--sponsored by the Quarter Century Wireless Association from 1900Z Apr 3 - 1900Z Apr 4. Frequencies (MHz): CW--1.810, 3.540, 7.035, 14.040, 21.050, 28.050; Phone--1.910, 3.890, 7.244, 14.262, 21.365, 28.325 plus all VHF/UHF bands, no crossband or repeater QSOs. 15 QSOs with each station maximum and only one QSO with stations in home QCWA chapter. Exchange: Last two digits of year licensed and QCWA chapter or S/P/C. QSO Points: Phone--1 pt, CW/Digital--2 pts. Score: QSO Points x QCWA chapters + S/P/C counted once per band. W2MM counts as a 3-point multiplier on each band. For more information: Send logs to [email protected] or Dick Newsome W0HXL, 2924 North 48th Street, Omaha NE 68104-3726. VHF CONTESTS KANSAS VHF-UHF SSB QSO PARTY, sponsored by Dave Powers KA0KCI from 1800Z Mar 27 - 1800Z Mar 28. Frequencies (MHz): 50, 144, 220, 432, 902, 1296. No FM or satellite. Categories: SO, MO, Rover. Digital modes are allowed and logs will be accepted from KS and the four surrounding states. For more information: EU EME Contest - any mode - sponsored by DUBUS and REF, 0000Z Mar 27 - 2400Z Mar 28. Frequencies: 144 MHz, 1.3 and 10 GHz. Categories: Single and Multi-band, QRP, QRO, Pro - based on ERP and equipment. Exchange: callsigns TMO/RST and "R" (same as ARRL EME Contest). QSO Points: 144/432/1.3 - 100 pts for random, 10 pts for scheduled QSO, 2.3 GHz and higher - 100 pts/QSO. Score: QSO Points (x2 for QSOs at 2.3 GHz and above) x DXCC entities and US states from random QSOs (or any QSOs at 2.3 GHz and above). For more information: or [email protected]. Logs due 30 days after the contest to [email protected] or Patrick Magnin, F6HYE, Marcorens, F-74140 Ballaison, France. VHF Spring Sprints--CW/SSB--sponsored by the Eastern Tennessee DX Association 144 MHz 7-11 PM local time, 5 Apr; 222 MHz--7-11 PM Apr 13; 432 MHz--7-11 PM Apr 21; Microwave--902 MHz and higher--6 AM -- 1 PM May 1. Fixed and Rover categories. Exchange is Grid Square only, count 1 pt per QSO. Score is QSO Points x Grid Squares, score each sprint separately. Rovers and Microwave sprints total all points and all grids worked from each grid. For more information: Logs must be emailed or postmarked within four weeks of the contest to [email protected] or ETDXA/WU4O Jeff Baker, 2012 Hinds Creek Road, Heiskell, Tennessee 37754. NEWS & PRESS RELEASES NCJ News (by NCJ Editor Carl K9LA) -- As mentioned in the February 25 Rate Sheet, the cover feature for the March/April issue is Paul K5AF's "Contesting on a Budget" column. If you're looking to save some money, read about Jukka OH6LI's approach to budget contesting -- designing and building his own full-size antennas (for example, his 4 over 4 over 4 20m array), making his own rotors from screwdriver motors and angle transmissions, and much more. The May/June issue is on schedule to be out the week before Dayton. The cover feature is "The J7OJ Story -- A Memorial to Jim White, K4OJ" by George K5KG/J75KG. Paul K9PG is also doing his "NCJ Profiles" column on Jim. There will be a couple of articles on antennas, a VHF rover, a contest DXpedition story, analysis of some SO2R issues, and some host station/guest op comments, plus more. In the wake of Rohn's demise and sale, Mike W0YR announces the formation of the Rohn Collectors Group. "We will soon have a Web site set up and a magazine for Rohn Collectors is a probably a couple of months in the future. I am especially proud to have four new, unused sections of 25G (Round Label), a WP25 work platform and the GN-25/45 gin pole, all in unused condition. We expect to have some "cherry" sections of 25, 45 and 55 on display, plus some beautiful thrust bearings, including the rare TB-3! We'll be announcing the Rohn Collectors Net frequency on April 1." Of course, there will have to be a Quarter Mile Rohn Collectors Association - for those who have had in their possession at least 1320' of Rohn tower at one time or another. Oh - and the Rohn Pounders League and the Thousand Pounds Per Section awards, as well. The group's motto? "Semper Straight...Sorta" announces that the Ham WorkShop Book Volume 2 is now available with another 22 chapters of good ideas for your radio and antenna workshop and "How-To" Tips. This is a companion book to Ham WorkShop Volume 1. A special discount is available for both volumes at RESULTS AND RECORDS Backordered ARRL DX Contest plaques have been shipped and the mailing of June 2003 VHF certificates has begun with the 2003 September VHF QSO Party certificates right on their heels. August 2003 UHF Contest and 2003 10 GHz and Up Certificates are printed and should be hitting the mails over the next two weeks. The complete Logs Received page for the 2003 Sweepstakes has been posted to the ARRL Web site at Web results for the 2003 EME Contest were finalized and opened to members. (Thanks, Dan N1ND) A summary of logs received for the RAC Winter Contest, 2003 is on the RAC website at under "RAC Winter Contest Logs". Make sure your entry category and/or power level are correct. (Thanks, Sam VE5SF) Claimed scores for the LZDXC 2003 contest are on-line at the LZDXC Web site The link is near the bottom of the page on the right. Final scores will be published on line by the end of May. (Thanks, Wally LZ2CJ) Results for the 2003 Florida QSO Party are now available at A write-up, statistics, and soapbox will be posted as they become available. The "Official" K4OJ Memorial FQP Counter says a little over 43 Days, 13 hours until FQP 2004 on April 24 and 25th. (Thanks, Ron WD4AHZ) The JIDX contest committee is in final stage of log checking. Please check the "2003 JIDX PH Log Received List" to be sure your call is listed with the correct category for your log. The Web address is This list includes all email and paper logs. (Thanks, Tack JE1CKA) If you're interested in a very good presentation of contest results including all information on accuracy and many interesting statistics, have a look at the Web site for the Russian DX Contest. The results from 2003 are posted at Good job and great reading! Not really results, but photos of the PJ2T station and operators have been posted at (Thanks, Jeff K8ND) TECHNICAL & TECHNIQUE Ever want to see what the radiation fields from a moving electron look like? (You know you do...) You can by downloading the free program Radiation2D from (It's at the bottom of the page.) To see the field from a dipole, select [Setup] > [Trajectory] > [Dipole Oscillation} and set Velocity = 0.8 and amplitude = 0.02. You can clearly see how the field is most concentrated broadside to the movement of the electroncs (i..e. - perpendicular to the antenna). The circle trajectory is fun, too. Good for hours of fun when the bands aren't producing. (Thanks, Kirk McDonald) As long as we're talking about things going around in a circle, the AO-40 FAQ Web site compiled by Steve VK5ASF is located at The daily schedule for the ISS crew can be found at Remember that the crew operates on UTC time. (From the AMSAT weekly news bulletin) Since logging QSOs accurately and submitting a Cabrillo format log can be SUCH a bother, Fuldja Dineye UR2SLO has developed the ultimate in contest convenience software. His new "Robot Direct" package is an MP3-to-Cabrillo converter that completely eliminates the need to log anything during the contest. Just strap on the boom mike, hit the foot switch, and put the hammer down. During the contest, receiver audio is recorded to your hard drive. After the clock ticks over, just click "Submit" and the software listens to every second, makes up a 100% Golden Log, and emails it to the contest sponsor while you're relaxing with a cold 807 and planning for the next one. Fuldja says the package will be available next Thursday. Now here's something you'll REALLY like - Jack W0UCE reports that 0.095" trimmer cord makes a great tie line. 800' bulk reels are available at home improvement stores for under $30. The line resists UV and doesn't stretch, either. If you're in the neighborhood of a farm supply store, pick up some of the orange baling twine. Also incredibly cheap, strong, and lasts a long time outside. Yet another bit of equinoctical effluvia - a fascinating video of immiscible substances doing just the opposite is available at Watch what happens when different types of oil atop a pool of water are stirred with a magnet. It's a fairly large file, but just the thing to stare at while you're trying to get your day booted up over that first cuppa mud. (Thanks, Ed N4XY) Two products whose names come up consistently when discussing how to get stuck things unstuck are Marvel Mystery Oil and PB-Blast (also available as PB Penetrating Catalyst). WD-40 is popular, but these products are optimized for the job and are available at auto and marine supply stores. Here's a gotcha to avoid. Peter VE3PN had a frustrating weekend during the recent ARRL DX contest and found that his beams weren't pointing where the control boxes said they were. Resistances of the indicator pots were close to the values he recorded when they were installed. He then decided to remove the control boxes to check them internally and...BINGO! When he moved the control box the meter needle moved. The root cause was the magnets in the speakers on the shelf above the control box! They were affecting the meter movement enough to cause the erroneous readings. Watch out for that one - thanks, Peter. CONVERSATION I Wish ARRL DX has come and gone. Since conditions weren't all that hot the discussion inevitably turns to geographic inequities, which leads to equalizing of scores, which in turn leads to a suggestion for shorter contests and a discussion for where to get the best deals on dietary fiber substitutes and whether Depends are allowed in single-op categories. Ew. These discussions return every year about this time and there is pretty much nothing to be done about anything except muse about the essential unfairness of everything. However, there are occasional bon mots from the most unexpected quarters that shine the light of Reason and Goodness on the problems of the day. I have a modest example here. Feel free to hum along at low power. Have a good April 1st, you lids. California Lids - severely modified from the original Beach Boys hit Well East Coast lids are hip They just ignore those solar flares And the Southern lids with the way they talk Can't understand a word down there The Mid-West pack of lids they really fill your log alright And the Northern lids with the gas they run They keep their power meters warm at night I wish they all could be California I wish they all could be California I wish they all could be California lids The West Coast has no winter And the shacks are always manned I dig a stack of big beams in KH6 Up on a tower in the sand I worked all around this great big world And I hear all kinds of lids But I can hardly wait to work back to the states Back to the fastest lids in the world I wish they all could be California I wish they all could be California I wish they all could be California lids I wish they all could be California (Lids, lids, lids yeah I dig the) I wish they all could be California (Lids, lids, lids yeah I dig the) I wish they all could be California (Lids, lids, lids yeah I dig the) I wish they all could be California (Lids, lids, lids yeah I dig the) I wish they all could be California lids. 73, Ward N0AX ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Contester's Rate Sheet wishes to acknowledge information from the following sources: WA7BNM's Contest Calendar Web page - ARRL Contest page - SM3CER's Web site -