Contester's Rate Sheet for February 22, 2006
******************************************** CONTESTER'S RATE SHEET 22 February 2006 Edited by Ward Silver N0AX Published by the American Radio Relay League Free to ARRL members! (Subscription info at the end of newsletter) ******************************************** SUMMARY o ARRL DX SSB Completes the One-Two Punch o Digital Dustups - NAQP RTTY, DARC Corona, Ukraine RTTY o Antique Recording Technology o 40 Winks In A Cup o NRAU Baltic Contest Publishes UBN Reports o W3LPL's Coax Comparisons o Crimp-On Connector Tutorial by VE7BZ o The Lights Are On, But Nobody's Home BULLETINS o No bulletins this issue BUSTED QSOS o Sputnik - 1957, not 1959 - I was two, thus the hazy memory. o If a long URL doesn't load properly, check the link for wraparound to a new line. -oo --- -o - -- oo ooo ooo -o-- --- oo- o-o LOG DUE DATES - 21 FEBRUARY TO 7 MARCH 2006 o-oo --- --o -oo o o- -oo o-oo oo -o o ooo February 22 - ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes, email logs to: [email protected], logs and diskettes to: January VHF, ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111, USA. Find rules at: February 27 - Run for the Bacon QRP Contest, email logs to: [email protected], upload log at:, logs and diskettes to: Larry Makoski W2LJ, 327 Clinton Place, South Plainfield, NJ 07080, USA. Find rules at: February 27 - RSGB 1st 1.8 MHz Contest, CW, email logs to: [email protected], logs and diskettes to: RSGB-G3UFY, 77 Bensham Manor Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7 7AF, England. Find rules at: February 27 - SARL Field Day Contest, email logs to: [email protected], logs and diskettes to: Field Day Contest, Bloemfontein Radio Amateur Club, PO Box 12104, Brandhof, 9324, South Africa. Find rules at: February 28 - Hunting Lions in the Air Contest, email logs to: [email protected], logs and diskettes to: The HLITA Contest Committee, Lions Club of Midrand, PO Box 1548, Halfway House 1685, South Africa. Find rules at: February 28 - CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW, email logs to: [email protected], logs and diskettes to: CQ 160-Meter Contest, 25 Newbridge Road, Hicksville, NY 11801, USA. Find rules at: February 28 - REF Contest, CW, email logs to: [email protected], logs and diskettes to: F6CTT, Joseph Cornee, 31 rue des EcoButs, 44230 St Sebastien Sur Loire, France. Find rules at: February 28 - UBA DX Contest, SSB, email logs to: [email protected], logs and diskettes to: Carine Ramon, ON7LX, Bruggesteenweg 77, B-8755 Ruiselede, Belgium. Find rules at: February 28 - AGCW Straight Key Party, email logs to: [email protected], logs and diskettes to: Friedrich W. Fabri DF1OY, Moselstrasse 17b, D-63322 Roedermark-Urberach, Germany. Find rules at: March 1 - Vermont QSO Party, email logs to: [email protected], logs and diskettes to: Allen Tinker, W1AAT, Vermont QSO Party Coordinator, PO Box 888, Waitsfield, VT 05673, USA. Find rules at: March 1 - BARTG RTTY Sprint, email logs to: [email protected], logs and diskettes to: (none). Find rules at: March 5 - Mexico RTTY International Contest, email logs to: [email protected], logs and diskettes to: Jose Levy, XE1J, Direcci�n de Concursos FMRE, Clavel 333, Colima, Col. 28030, Mexico. Find rules at: March 5 - ARCI Winter Fireside SSB Sprint, email logs to: [email protected], logs and diskettes to: Jeff Hetherington VA3JFF, 139 Elizabeth St W, Welland, Ontario L3C 4M3, Canada. Find rules at:,com_extcalendar/Itemid,/extmode,view/extid,32/ March 6 - FYBO Winter QRP Sprint, email logs to: [email protected], logs and diskettes to: John Stevens, Attn: FYBO, 21457 N 91st Dr, Peoria, AZ 85382, USA. Find rules at: March 7 - YLRL YL-OM Contest, CW, email logs to: [email protected], logs and diskettes to: Nancy Rabel Hall, KC4IYD, PO Box 775, North Olmsted, OH 44070, USA. Find rules at: -o-o --o- - o ooo - -o-o --o- - o ooo - CONTESTS - 21 FEBRUARY TO 7 MARCH 2006 -o-o --o- - o ooo - -o-o --o- - o ooo - Note that the following abbreviations are used to condense the contest rules summaries: SO - Single-Op; M2 - Multi-Op - 2 Transmitters; MO - Multi-Op; MS - Multi-Op, Single Transmitter; MM - Multi-Op, Multiple Transmitters; AB - All Band; SB - Single Band; S/P/C - State/Province/DXCC Entity; HP - High Power (>100 W); LP - Low Power; QRP (5W or less) HF CONTESTS CQC Winter QSO Party--CW/Phone, sponsored by the Colorado QRP Club from 2200Z Feb 25 - 0359Z Feb 26. Frequencies (MHz): CW 1.825, 3.560, 3.710, 7.040, 7.110, 14.060, 21.060, 21.110, 28.060, 28.110, SSB 1.910, 3.985, 7.285, 14.285, 21.385, 28.385. Categories are SOAB, SOSB, SO-Homebrew. Exchange: RST, S/P/C, name, CQC member number or power output (5W max). QSO Points: CW--CQC member 6 pts, non-member 4 pts, Phone--members 3 pts, non-members 2 pts. Score: QSO Points X S/P/C (count once per band) X names (one name from each letter of the alphabet) + 1000 pts for QSO with W0CQC. For more information: Logs due 30 days after the contest to [email protected] or CQC Contest, PO Box 17174, Golden, CO 80402-6019. CQ WW 160-meter Contest--SSB, sponsored by CQ Magazine from 0000Z Feb 25 - 2400Z Feb 26. Exchange: RS and S/P/C. Categories: SO-QRP (<5 W) -LP(<150 W) -HP, MO categories. Enter as MO if packet or spotting nets are used. QSO Points: own entity--2 pts, same continent--5 pts, diff. cont.--10 pts, /MM stations count 5 points, but no multiplier. Score: QSO points X states + VE call areas + DXCC entities (KH6 and KL7 count as DXCC only). For more information: Logs due by Mar 31 to [email protected] (Cabrillo format only) or CQ 160 Contest, 25 Newbridge Rd, Hicksville, NY 11801. UBA Contest--CW, sponsored by the Royal Union of Belgian Amateur Radio from 1300Z Feb 25 -- 1300Z Feb 26. Frequencies: 80 - 10-meters, according to the IARU band plan. Categories: SOAB (HP,LP,QRP), SOSB (HP,LP), MS, packet is allowed for all classes. Exchange: RST and serial number, ON stations add their province abbr. QSO Points: QSOs with ON stations--10 pts, with other European Union--3 pts, outside European Union--1 pt. Score: QSO points X ON provinces + ON prefixes + European Union DXCC entities counted once per band. For more information and a list of EU entities: Logs due 30 days after the contest to [email protected] in Cabrillo format or UBA Contest, Marc Domen ON7SS, Ferdinand Coosemansstraat 32, B-2600 Antwerpen, BELGIUM. REF French Contest--Phone, sponsored by the Reseau des Emetteurs Francais from 0600Z Feb 25 -- 1800Z Feb 26. Contact French stations including Corsica, Overseas Territories, and EU Council station TP2CE. Frequencies: 80 - 10-meters. Categories: SOAB, MS, and SWL. Exchange: non-French stations send RST and serial number, French send RST and department number or prefix. QSO Points: different continent--3 pts, 1 pt otherwise. Score: QSO points X departments and prefixes counted once per band. For more information: Logs are due Apr 15 to [email protected] or Reseau des Emetteurs Francais, REF Contest, BP 7429, 37074 Tours Cedex, France. Mississippi QSO Party--CW/Digital/Phone, sponsored by the Vicksburg Amateur Radio Club from 1500Z Feb 25 - 0300Z Feb 26. Frequencies (MHz): CW 3.545, 7.045, 14.045, 21.045, 28.045; Phone 3.862, 7.238, 14.275, 21.375, 28.375; VHF 50.130, 144.220, 146.55, 446.00. Work stations once per band and mode. Categories: Fixed Station and Mobile. Mobiles may be worked again as they change counties. Exchange: RST and MS county or S/P/C. Score: QSOs x MS counties (MS stations add S/P/C). For more information: [email protected]. Logs due March 26 to Vicksburg ARC, 64 Lake Circle Dr, Vicksburg, MS 39180. North Carolina QSO Party--CW/Phone, sponsored by the Forsyth Amateur Radio Club from 1700Z Feb 26 -- 0300Z Feb 27. Frequencies (MHz): CW 3.540, 3.740, 7.040, 7.140, 14.040, 21.040, 21.140, 28.040, 28.140, Phone 3.860, 7.260, 14.260, 21.360, 28.360. Categories: SO, Mobile, Club, all stations 100W max. output. Mobiles may be worked again as they change counties. Exchange: RST and NC county, ARRL/RAC section, or DX prefix. QSO Points: phone--2 pts, CW--3 pts, NC mobile--3 pts (either mode). Score: NC stations--QSO points x NC counties + ARRL/RAC sections + 1 DXCC entity, others--QSO points x NC counties (max 100). 50 bonus points for working Cherokee or Dare counties (150 for working both) and 50 points for working W4NC or W4WS (150 points for both). Mobiles add 100 bonus points for each NC county activated. For more information: Logs due April 1 to [email protected] or NC QSO PARTY c/o W2DZO, 8812 Merry Hill Court, Clemmons, NC 27012. High Speed CW Contest--sponsored by High-Speed CW Club from 0900Z - 1100Z and 1500Z - 1700Z Feb 26. Frequencies: 80 - 10 meters. Categories: SO (150 W max, members and non-members), SO-QRP, SWL. Exchange: RST and HSC member number or "NM". QSO Points: member--5 pts, non-member--1 pts. Score: QSO points. Logs due 6 weeks after the contest to [email protected] or Lutz Schr�er DL3BZZ, Am Niederfeld 6, 35066 Frankenberg / Eder, Germany. North American QSO Party--RTTY, sponsored by the National Contest Journal from 1800Z Feb 25 - 0600Z Feb 26. Frequencies: 80 - 10 meters. Categories: SOAB and M2, 100 W power limit, SO operate a maximum of 10 hours (off times must be at least 30 min). Exchange: Name and S/P/C. Score: QSOs x States + Province + NA DXCC countries (counted once per band). Preferred log submission method is via upload form found at: For information: Logs due 14 days after the contest to [email protected] or Shelby Summerville K4WW, 6506 Lantana Ct, Louisville, KY 40229-1544, USA ARRL International DX Contest--Phone, 0000Z Mar 4 - 2400Z Mar 5. Frequencies: 160 - 10 meters. Categories: SOSB, SOAB (HP >150W, LP, QRP <5W), MS, M2, MM. Exchange: RS + State or Province or Power (KH6 and KL7 count as DX). QSO Points: 3 pts/QSO. Score: QSO points x DXCC entities (DX counts states + provinces). For more information: Logs due Apr 4 to [email protected] (Cabrillo format only) or DX PHONE, ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111. DARC 10-Meter Digital "Corona"--RTTY/AMTOR/PACTOR/PSK31/Clover, sponsored by Deutscher Amateur Radio Club from 1100Z -- 1700Z Mar 4. Frequencies (MHz): 28.050-28.150, work stations once per mode. Categories: SO, SWL. Exchange: RST + serial number. QSO Points: 1pt/QSO. Score: QSO points x DXCC entities + WAE countries + JA/VE/W call districts (all counted only once). For more information: Logs due 4 weeks after the contest to [email protected] or A.Schlendermann DL9GS, Postfach 102201, D-44807 Bochum, Germany. Open Ukraine RTTY Championship--sponsored by the Ukrainian Amateur Radio League (UARL) from 2200Z Mar 4 - 0159Z Mar 5 (Low Bands - 160 and 80 meters - two separate 2 hour periods) and 0800Z - 1159Z Mar 6 (High Bands 40 - 10 meters). Categories: SOAB, SOSB, and MO. Exchange: Two letter regional abbreviation (see Web site) and serial number. Start serial numbers over for High Band portion. QSO Points: 2 pts/QSO and 10 pts for each new region. For more information: Logs due 5 Apr to [email protected] or George Ignatov UT1HT, PO Box 87, Kremenchug-21, Ukraine, 39621. Spartan Sprint--CW, sponsored by the Adventure Radio Society from 0200Z -- 0400Z Mar 7 (Monday evening in the U.S. - times will change during Daylight Savings Time, see Web site). Held on the first Monday of every month. Frequencies (MHz): 3.560, 7.040, 14.060, 21.060, 28.060 (QRP calling frequencies). Categories: SO. Exchange: RST, S/P/C, and power output. Score: "Skinny" division--total QSOs / total station weight, "Tubby" division--total QSOs. For more information: Logs due on Wednesday after the contest at noon via the ARS Web site. VHF+ CONTESTS No VHF+ contests are scheduled. --o- ooo - --o- ooo - --o- ooo - -oo o NEWS, PRESS RELEASES, AND GENERAL INTEREST - oooo o o-o o- - o ooo oooo o o - -o- ARRL CONTEST NEWS - Two new members of the Contest Advisory Committee are Al Dewey K0AD from the Dakota Division and Dr. George Wilner K2ONP from the Hudson Division. Both of these calls should be familiar to contesters. Thanks for volunteering, gentlemen! There have been periodic reports of incompatibility between some paddles and WinKey due to the use of "new" contact materials designed to reduce oxidation issues. K1EL and microHAM have cooperated to produce a "paddle processor/debouncer." The debouncer is now available with two cable versions - terminated in either a 1/4" or 1/8" stereo phone plug. For more information, browse on over to (Thanks, Joe W4TV) Here are a pair of new electronics and radio Web sites that you might want to add to your reading list: Radio-Electronics ( covers a lot of topics related to radio. Electronics and Radio Today ( is a new e-zine and still under development. If you count antique recording technology among your interests, you'll enjoy browsing Art Shifrin's Web site - The pages on old toy trains are an unexpected bonus! New Contest Country Files (CTY) are available. You can download them from Please make sure to follow the installation instructions in README.TXT. (Thanks, Jim AD1C) Here's a novel way of grabbing 40 winks: It involves drinking a cup of coffee and immediately taking a 15-minute "Caffeine Nap." Apparently, the coffee and nap sweep your system clean of the sleepy chemicals. Ohhhh-kay. My question is how you can get to sleep after the coffee...particularly Seattle-strength coffee. (Thanks, Bob W5OV) If you are an ARRL member, the ARRL VEC will renew your license for you at no charge. The ARRL will send you a reminder as it gets near your renewal time. This can be done on-line at (Thanks, Dick N6AA) Having negotiated the airport and transportation systems, you're finally ready for some rest and relaxation. That might involve a cold PY807 or two! Here are some important things to know about suds in the land of the Amazon, courtesy of the following Web page: Bottled beer - Cerveja - sr-VEY-zha Draft beer - Chope - SHO-pay Large bottle - Garrafas - ga-RAH-fas Ice cold - Bem Gelada - bem zh-LA-da Cheers - Saude - SOU-dey The bill - A Conta - a-KO-tah URL OF THE WEEK - Tracking down QSL routes for those special contest calls can be vexing, but not if you use a Web site like K4UTE's QSL route directory: It's very rarely stumped! oo-o oo -o -oo -o-- --- oo- -o- RESULTS AND RECORDS -o-o o- o-oo o-oo oooo o o-o o ARRL CONTEST RESULTS NEWS - The combined list of paper and electronic Logs Received for both the 2005 ARRL 160-Meter and 2006 ARRL RTYY Roundup contests have been posted at If you find an error in your listing or yours is not shown please contact N1ND at ARRL HQ. If you submitted electronically please have your receipt number available. Certificates for the 2005 August UHF and 10 GHz and Up events were printed and should be in the mail. (Thanks, Dan N1ND) Tonno ES5TV reports that the NRAU committee is "happy to announce the results of NRAU Baltic Contest 2006. There was no big storm this year like last time and activity was much higher...For the first time in NRAU Baltic history all the logs of participants with UBN information are open for everyone to see. Results and UBN reports are available at oo oo-o oo - ooo -o --- - -ooo o-o --- -o- o TECHNICAL TIPS AND INFORMATION -o-- --- oo- o-o o -o --- - - o-o -o-- oo -o --o In the days of paper logs, we all diligently removed or identified any duplicate contacts, lest we incur the dreaded penalty for claiming duplicate QSOs! With the Cabrillo file format, this is no longer required. You shouldn't have to worry about duplicate QSOs because the log processing software will remove them before calculating your score. That also means you can simply work dupes and not have to send "QSO B4". After all, if someone is working you a second time, perhaps your original QSO is not in their log, either! It's easier for everyone to just work all callers (except the obviously clueless multiple dupe-er). If you are unsure of how the contest sponsor will handle duplicate QSOs in a Cabrillo-formatted log, ask them and follow their directions. An oldie-but-goodie, back in 1995 Frank W3LPL generously compiled and published a table of coax cable loss vs. frequency performance. You can find it here: The information is presented in several ways and the frequencies are those of the ham bands. (Thanks, Gene AD3F) Another contribution - thanks to Monty N5ESE for trying out several Web attenuator calculators. The one he likes best is because resistor tolerance (1%, 5%, or 10%) is selectable. The closest standard values are used and a calculation of the resulting errors is provided. Pete N4ZR recalls another good, old idea for terminating 3/4" hardline with a UHF barrel connector, originally contributed by the late Bill Fisher W4AN. You'll need a 1/2" female water pipe to 1/2" copper tubing adapter from the plumbing department and an Amphenol PL-258 barrel connector (the kind that has a snap-ring retainer). Remove the snap-ring by hacksawing down to the snap-ring groove and remove the insulator and contacts. Silver-solder the barrel into the copper tubing end of the adapter, with the cut end inside. Trim the end of the hardline so that the slightly-spread center contact of the PL-258 fits over the hardline center conductor with the proper length to seat in the PL-258. (Some trial and error required.) Solder the center conductor and contact. Slide the PL-258 insulator onto the contact and thread the adapter onto the hardline sheath using Noalox for lubrication, until the contact and insulator are seated in the PL-258. Dave K1TTT notes that this technique also works with other hardline sizes and that both adapters and reducers can be used. While we're on the subject of coax wrangling, here is a great tutorial on PL-259 crimp-on connectors. Plenty of photos and detailed instructions make this particularly good: (Thanks, Paul VE7BZ) TECHNICAL LINK OF THE WEEK - Before you start digging that tower base...from a Web link provided by Richard NU6T: "Under federal legislation enacted in 2003 and federal regulations adopted in 2005, persons planning to dig may dial 811 to reach their states' Dig Safe or Underground Alert hotlines. The 811 system is to be fully operational on a national basis by spring 2007." Try this Tiny URL: for details, state by state. (Thanks, Bob K0RC) o-- oooo --- o-- oo o-oo o-oo --o o - - oooo o CONVERSATION --o --- o-oo -oo o- - - oooo o o-- o-o - -o-o The Lights Are On, But Nobody's Home After this past weekend's ARRL DX CW extravaganza, a local ham said on our club net, "Gee, all evening I could hear these strong stations on 80-meters all the way from the East Coast - NH, MA, NJ, NY. Then tonight, nothing! Like the band is dead!" This was somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but it's not an uncommon reaction. I also hear this after the 10-Meter contest during low sunspot years. For months, not a peep is heard on 10-meters until 0000Z Saturday when the band springs to life! Obviously, contesters tend to have good stations and that tends to open up a band beyond what a more modest station might accomplish. Nevertheless, the disparity between weekdays and weekends is often dramatic. New hams (and even long-timers) are prone to ask, "Where did everybody go?" The bands are obviously wide open, but we're just not making ourselves heard. Which leads to the probing question, "When was the last time you called CQ outside of a contest?" A regular old "come in anybody" CQ - the kind we used to log a lot of as Novices with a big, old "X" in the next column of our logbook indicating no response to our puny signals. To be perfectly honest with you, it's been a while for me. I'll bet it's been a while for you, too! Why? Well, partly because contesters tend to spend their weeks getting ready for the weekends. Also, the Internet and email push a lot of information to us that we don't have to go trolling for on our own. Hey, you're reading this instead of putting out a signal, aren't you? By the time you get done reading the email from a couple of reflectors, check your favorite Web sites, and scan the spotting network for any New Ones, your evening is shot! This isn't some sinister plot or a great moral failing, it's just a rebalancing of how we "do" ham radio in the Information Age. The information "about" radio is found on-line and we use it to more carefully target our on-air activities. Sort of a "just-in-time" philosophy for ham radio where you only get on the air to make that particular DX contact or for a weekend of contesting after doing all the research to make sure the on-air time is spent as efficiently as possible. All well and good, but in becoming so successful at doing a particular thing, we've forgotten how to...yes...goof off on the air without having a goal in mind. A good portion of what got us on the air and kept us there as new hams was that "What will I work today?" feeling you got sitting down in front of the rig waiting for the tubes to warm up. New assignment - choose an on-the-air activity that you don't know what will happen when you do it! Maybe it's as simple as calling CQ or maybe putting the keyer in beacon mode while you read email. Look through the QST Special Event listings (or on-line at and see if you can find them. There are lots of things to try out there and who knows, maybe you'll find somebody tuning around looking for you from across the continent! 73, Ward N0AX ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Contester's Rate Sheet wishes to acknowledge information from the following sources: WA7BNM's Contest Calendar Web page - SM3CER's Web site -