Contester's Rate Sheet for July 11, 2007
******************************************** CONTESTER'S RATE SHEET 11 JULY 2007 Edited by Ward Silver N0AX Published by the American Radio Relay League Free to ARRL members - tell your friends! (Subscription info at the end of newsletter) ******************************************** SUMMARY o IARU HF Championship (Yes, THIS Weekend) o CQ VHF WW Contest o Fist Evaluation Web Site o Sports Illustrated Article on Radiosport - NK7U o VHF+ Antennas o Wind Speed Evaluation Listings o You've Got to Suffer NEW HF OPERATORS - THINGS TO DO o Assuming that you put in a little time in the IARU HF Championship, it's a very useful exercise to go back to a propagation prediction program or Web site or magazine column and try to cross-reference what you heard with what the predictions suggested that you'd hear. Another good exercise is to look at the opposite season's predictions - say for January - and consider the differences. That's a great way to start developing your "band sense." BULLETINS o One final notice - the IARU HF Championship was NOT last weekend. It is THIS coming weekend. Have fun! BUSTED QSOS o A golden issue last time! CONTEST SUMMARY (Rules follow Commentary section) July 14 - 15 - IARU HF Championship - Classic DX Contest - Colorado QSO Party - FISTS Summer Sprint, CW July 21 - 22 - NA RTTY QSO Party - DMC RTTY QSO Contest - CQC Great Colorado Gold Rush, CW - Feld-Hell Club Monthly Sprint - CQ WW VHF Contest --o- ooo - --o- ooo - --o- ooo - -oo o NEWS, PRESS RELEASES, AND GENERAL INTEREST - oooo o o-o o- - o ooo oooo o o - -o- The Northern Lights Radio Society (NLRS) will be sponsoring Rovermania IV in the upcoming ARRL UHF QSO Party (Aug 4-5) with the intent of getting the rovers out and generating fun for all. You can find out more information about Rovermania at New this year, the NLRS is sponsoring a first and second place Limited Rover award. The Limited Rover is defined as a rover who uses any three contest bands. (Thanks, Jon W0ZQ) Al VE1AL found an interesting op-ed column in the New York Times about one of the most-wanted DXCC entities. (Thanks, Al VE1AL) If you notice a local broadcast tower that seems to have one or more navigation warning lights out, ask your nearest FAA office (usually at the bigger airfields) to check recent NOTAMs (Notice to Airmen bulletins about nav-aid status and the like). If the bulbs on those towers are burned out, they may not have yet been replaced. Until they are replaced the NOTAM contains a bulletin that the tower is dark, assuming the FAA has been notified as required. Notification from the public or paid tower-watchers helps avoid navigational hazards. The FAA can also be contacted toll-free at 877-487-6867 or 888-225-5322. Try to have exact geographic location, the station's call sign, or other information that will help them identify precisely which tower you are reporting. (Thanks, Bob W9GE and Don KW7R) Looking for the ever-elusive IARU Zone Map for the IARU HF *this* weekend? An excellent Web site showing pretty good detail is and if you can Telnet into a DX spotting site, enter SHow/PREfix W9 and it will list the states and zones for that call area. (Thanks, Hank K8DD) Andy N2NT writes, "With thanks to those of you who took the time to fill out the survey results for contest software, Here is the link to the results of the survey Unfortunately the survey was designed to take text based answers, so it was very difficult to sort the better than 500 responses. Because of this, I included the raw data spreadsheet. The callsigns are omitted to maintain anonymity. You can read the responses and comments directly on the spreadsheet if you have the patience. The program choices in Column D are 1= CT, 2=TRlog, 3=Writelog, 4=NA, 5=N1MM, 6=Wintest, 7=SD. I also included the Contest University (CTU) PDF presentation given in Dayton." Another software author sends word of his latest creation, too. "I've just placed a new version of GOLog, my freeware contest logging software for Palm OS, on my web site. The new version is 1.6.1 and fixes a small bug on newer Palms that caused log entries to be lost if the Palm was reset. You can get the latest version at If you're running an older version of GOLog, you might want to consider upgrading to the latest version. You can see the history file on the Web site and learn what recent enhancements have been made. (Thanks, Dave NK0E) You will find the 2007 IARU HQ Station list in Excel format here: Select the "Minnesota Wireless Assn" album and then click the "2007 IARU HQ Stations" file. It will download an XLS spreadsheet file to your computer. Within this spreadsheet are three worksheets. They are different sorts of the same information. Put a W or a H (worked/heard) into the appropriate row/column and the spreadsheet will keep your running totals. (Thanks, Bob K0RC) URL of the Week - Wonder how your fist rates? This utility has you connect your key or keyer to your pc and monitors your sending. It will grade you at the end. Maybe one of the on line colleges can give you a PhD in CW. Then again, there is always summer school for remedial help! (Thanks, Jim N2GO) oooo o -o-- -o-- o- o-oo o-oo SIGHTS AND SOUNDS o-- o- - -o-o oooo - oooo oo ooo Ham radio contesting made a surprise and very favorable appearance on the Sports Illustrated Web site in the form of an article on former MLB All-Star Joe Rudi NK7U ( The story is solidly written and is great press of Amateur Radio in general. You might also want to check out the 1958 SI article "Battle of the Hams" posted at (Thanks, Bob N6TV and Ralph N5RZ) Based on the open logs of CQ WW 2006 ( analysis is available at You need a Flash-player plug-in to Internet browsers to play the movies. The radius of the displayed circle is logarithmic (base 2). (Thanks, Michael DL6MHW) Imagine taking the first slice out of this cake! (Thanks, Randy K5ZD) And how many antennas do you think you could fit on this tower? (Thanks, John K1AR) A year ago, all eyes and ears were on Florianopolis as WRTC-2006 was hosted by the PY contest community. Take a look at this Brazilian TV presentation: (Thanks, George K5TR) oo-o oo -o -oo -o-- --- oo- o-o RESULTS AND RECORDS -o-o o- o-oo o-oo oooo o o-o o ARRL Contest Results ARRL DX CW results have been posted at ARRL Sweepstakes, 160 Meter, and 10 Meter contest certificates are arriving in mailboxes as are those for the 2007 January VHF Sweepstakes and 2006 10 GHz contests. The printers were burning up the toner at HQ! - - - - - The 2006 CQ WW 160 results article is now up on the CQ Web page at Select the CQ WW 160 contest then select the results. (Thanks, Dave K4JRB) oooo o -o-- -o-- --- oo- OPERATING TIP o-- o- -o- o oo- o--o In a big pileup, pause before starting your call. With the majority of call signs being four or five characters, a two or three-character pause leaves some of your call in the clear when everybody else's has ended. Since you are messing with the pileup rhythm, be sure to listen first. Once you've given your call, listen to see how the counter-rhythm is working - don't just keep transmitting. oo oo-o oo - ooo -o --- - -ooo o-o --- -o- o TECHNICAL TIPS AND INFORMATION -o-- --- oo- o-o o -o --- - - o-o -o-- oo -o --o SteppIRs can be automatically tuned to the frequency of an attached transceiver, but in an SO2R contest station there may be two radios that use different communications protocols. Switching even a single controller between the two radios isn't simple, much less multiple controllers. Dick WC1M has solved this problem with a custom microprocessor-based control that intercepts the protocol streams between the transceivers and logging program and translates them into a single protocol. It knows which radio has the antenna and sends the appropriate tuning commands to the SteppIR controller. There's a complete description on my Web site at If you are looking to try a bit of VHF+ contesting and want to stick your toe in the water with a single antenna, Tennadyne ( sells a log periodic good from 6 meters to 23 cm with a 12-foot boom and about 6 dB of gain over that range. This might also work well for a portable or rover installation, requiring a bit of mechanical ingenuity or disassembly. (Thanks, Steve WB8WSF) More good VHF+ antenna entry-level designs are availabe from WA5VJB's Cheap Yagi article, There is also a nice nice HTML table of dimensions here at for the antenna builder. (Thanks, John KU4AF) The Extended Double Zepp is one of the most powerful wire antennas. It's a great Field Day antenna and a good one to install at a home station, too. LB Cebik has written extensively about this class of antenna at (Thanks, Eric N0EW) Two from Tom W8JI: Beware of short cuts when wiring the power connection to that new amplifier. It is illegal and a shock hazard to use the ground wire as a neutral connection. The ONLY point the neutral can be connected to the safety ground is at the main breaker box. Use the proper plug and socket wiring so that you'll be around to enjoy Cycle 24. There is an article on power wiring at that explains the proper use of power plugs. On RF relays: The key to good RF relays are short wide leads to contacts, low capacitance, and good RF path insulation. Several years ago, Dennis N6KI wrote an article on how to rebuild Telrex traps so they don't flash over the doorknob caps. These antennas are quite sturdy, give good performance, and many are still around. The article can be read at (Thanks, Dennis N6KI) Modern solid-state rigs often have one electromechanical component left in them - the amp keying relay. If operated with current or voltages close to (or above) the relay contact ratings, erratic performance will result due to contact pitting and arcing. Eventually the relay will fail. Cleaning the contacts will often bring a marginal relay back to life until it can be replaced. No fancy equipment is required, just cut a strip of clean paper with a bit of texture - white typing paper, grocery bag, index card - and slide it between the contacts. While holding the contacts closed, gently pull the strip out. You'll probably see some oxide on the strip. Repeat until the strip comes out clean. I used to have to do this to one or two TS-930's every Friday afternoon before the big CQ WW multi-multi's at W7RM! (Thanks, QRP reflectorees) TECHNICAL URL OF THE WEEK -- If you're checking out a QTH and want to know maximum and average wind speed, there is a link at under "Tech Notes" that gives TOA-222 wind information on a county-by-county basis. You can also call your local county building office. (Thanks, Jim K0XU and Steve K7LXC) o- -o-o -o-o oo- o-o o- -o-o -o-- oo ooo o--- --- -ooo CONVERSATION --- -o o oo -o -o-o --- -o - o ooo - oo -o --o Fans of David Bromberg may recall this blues classic. If you don't, just supply your favorite eight-bar blues riffs and use your imagination! You've Got to Suffer If You Want to Make the Q's Written by David Brombeck and Abused Mightily by Dr Beldar I set up near the band edge late last night I had a couple runs and I was doing all right Moved a multiplier to 20 and I thought I'd try 15 But there was no propagation and I lost my runnin' steam It seems I always lose You've got to suffer if you want to make the Q's Sometimes I'm on at sunrise but it seems I never win I stay up late until the dawn is almost streamin' in This time I worked three hundred contacts but when I hit the sack I did not hear the 'larm clock and wound up way in back Why do I always lose You've got to suffer if you want to make the Q's I've got a sweet little amp named Vitamin Q It's kind of rank looking but it sure can get through Now old Vitamin's been runnin' hot and his filament is dim I said, "Listen to me buddy, we got to sink or swim" He blew...a fuse. You've got to suffer if you want to make the Q's [Chorus] You can post a record score if you're glad (If you're glad) You can send some protest mail if you're mad (If you're mad) But if you want to make those Q's Boy you better learn how to lose It seems I've had these same old blues since contesting began So I went to tell my troubles to the Elmering man I told him all about my problems and I asked him what was wrong He said, "You've got to be loud, son, or you won't be runnin' long." Why do I always lose You've got to suffer if you want to make the Q's You can post a record score if you're glad (If you're glad) You can send some protest mail if you're mad (If you're mad) But if you want to make those Q's Boy you better learn how to lose I went and played the hamfest raffle just to change my luck I didn't think I'd mind losing cause tickets only cost a buck I won an rotor control box and a brand new blue SixPack But I went broke buyin' cable just to hook 'em to my stack Why do I always lose You've got to suffer if you want to make the Q's 73, Ward N0AX -o-o --o- - o ooo - -o-o --o- - o ooo - CONTESTS -- 11 JULY THROUGH 24 JULY 2007 -o-o --o- - o ooo - -o-o --o- - o ooo - Note that the following abbreviations are used to condense the contest rules summaries: SO - Single-Op; M2 - Multi-Op - 2 Transmitters; MO - Multi-Op; MS - Multi-Op, Single Transmitter; MM - Multi-Op, Multiple Transmitters; AB - All Band; SB - Single Band; S/P/C - State/Province/DXCC Entity; HP - High Power (>100 W); LP - Low Power; QRP (5W or less) HF CONTESTS IARU HF World Championship--from 1200Z Jul 14 - 1200Z Jul 15. Frequencies: 160 - 10 meters, work stations on each mode. Categories: SO (Phone, CW, Mixed Mode), MS (with 10 minute rule). Exchange: RS(T) and ITU Zone, HQ stations will send a society abbreviation, such as "ARRL". (See for a list of prefixes and zones. An ITU zone map is available at QSO Points: own zone and HQ stations - 1 pt, same zone, different continent - 1 pt, different zone, same continent - 3 pts, different zone and continent - 5 pts. Score: QSO points x ITU zones + HQ stations counted once per band. For more information - Logs due Aug 14 to [email protected] (Cabrillo format only) via the Web applet at or IARU HF Championship, IARU International Secretariat, Box 310905, Newington, CT 06111-0905, USA. Classic DX Contest--runs coincident with the IARU HF World Championship, sponsored by John Thompson K3MD. Categories: IARU categories except HP (CW 650W, SSB 1300 W) and LP, MS (HP only). Use of packet, Internet, DVK, add-on audio DSP, computer keying or DVK prohibited. Contest keyers, computer logging OK. All equipment must be at least 20 years old. See Web site for scoring and more information: Report claimed score, number contacts, number of mults, classic multiplier, rigs, class to [email protected] within 2 weeks of contest. Colorado QSO Party--Phone/CW/Digital, sponsored by the Pikes Peak Radio Amateur Association from 1200Z Jul 15 - 0400Z Jul 16. Frequencies (MHz): CW -- 1.850, 3.550, 7.050, 14.050, 21.050, 28.050; Phone -- 1.870, 3.850, 7.250, 14.250, 21.350, and 28.450; RTTY -- 3.575, 7.090, 14.090, 21.090, 28.065; PSK -- 1.8073, 3.583, 7.073, 14.073, 21.073, 28.123; VHF/UHF per band plan. Categories: SO, MS, MM, Mobile (SO, SO+Driver, MO), School; HP/LP/QRP and CW/Phone/Digital/Mixed each category. Exchange: RST and CO county or S/P/C. QSO points: CW and digital -- 2 points, Phone -- 1 point. Work stations once per mode per band, mobiles may be worked again as they change counties. Score: QSO points x CO counties (CO stations add S/P/C) x power multiplier. For more information: Logs due by Jul 31 to [email protected] or Colorado QSO Party, PO Box 16521, Colorado Springs, CO 80935. FISTS Summer Sprint--CW, from 1700Z - 2100Z Jul 13. Frequencies: 80 - 10 meters, work US/VE stations. Categories: SOAB-QRP (<5W), SOAB-QRO, Club. Exchange: Name, RST, S/P/C, members send FISTS number, nonmembers send power output. QSO Points: FISTS members - 5 pts, nonmembers - 2 pts. Score: QSO points � S/P/C (count each only once). For more information: Logs due 30 days after the contest to [email protected] or Dan Shepherd N8IE, 1900 Pittsfield St, Kettering, Oh 45420. North American RTTY QSO Party--sponsored by the National Contest Journal from 1800Z Jul 21 - 0600Z Jul 22. Frequencies: 80--10 meters, 100 watt max. power. Categories SOAB and M2, SO stations operate 10 hours max. with off times of at least 30 min.. Exchange: Name and S/P/C. QSO Points: 1 pt/QSO. Score is QSO Points x S/P/C (NA entities only) counted once per band. DX QSOs count for QSO points, but not as multipliers. For more information: Logs due 14 days after the contest to or [email protected] or Shelby Summerville K4WW, 6506 Lantana Ct, Louisville, KY 40229-1544. DMC RTTY Contest--sponsored by the Digital Modes Club from 1200Z Jul 21 - 1200Z Jul 22. Frequencies: 80 - 10 meters. Categories: SO (HP/LP), MS. Exchange: RST + serial number. QSO Points: 1 pt/QSO. Score: QSO Points x DXCC entities + W/VE/VK/JA call areas + continents (all counted only once). For more information: Logs in Cabrillo format due 22 Aug to [email protected] or DMC Contest Committee, PO.Box 8, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria . CQC Great Colorado Gold Rush--CW, sponsored by the Colorado QRP Club from 2000Z - 2200Z Jul 22. Frequencies: 20-meters only. Categories: Wire, Vertical, Beam, or Portable. Exchange: RST + S/P/C + Category + CQC member number or power output. Work stations up to three times during the contest, with at least 30 min. between QSOs. QSO Points: 1st QSO--3 pts, 2nd QSO--2 pts, 3rd QSO--1pt. Score: QSO Points x S/P/C + CQC members. For more information: Logs due 30 days after the contest to [email protected] or Colorado QRP Club, PO Box 17174, Golden, CO 80402-6019. Feld-Hell Monthly Sprint--sponsored by the Feld-Hell Club, 1500Z - 1700Z Jul 21 (and every third Saturday). Frequencies: 160-10 meters. Exchange: RST, S/P/C, and Feld-Hell club number or age (YLs may send 00). QSO Points: Member - 3 pts, non-member - 1 pt. Score: QSO Points x S/P/C counted only once + bonus points (see Web site). For more information: Logs due Aug 10 via Web site. VHF+ CONTESTS CQ WW VHF Contest--all modes, sponsored by CQ Magazine from 1800Z Jul 21 - 2100Z Jul 22. Frequencies: 50 and 144 MHz bands, except 146.52 MHz (and other national simplex calling frequencies) and repeater frequencies. Please avoid the DX windows and international calling frequencies. Categories: SOAB, SOSB, MM, Rover, Hilltopper, QRP (<10W). Exchange: Call sign and four-digit Maidenhead grid. Work Rover stations in each grid. QSO Points: 50 MHz--1 pt, 144 MHz--2 pts. Score: QSO Points x grids counted once per band (Rovers count grids from each activated grid). For more information: Logs in Cabrillo format due 1 Sep to [email protected], via Web submission form at or CQ VHF Contest, 25 Newbridge Rd., Hicksville, NY 11801. -oo --- -o - -- oo ooo ooo -o-- --- oo- o-o LOG DUE DATES - 11 JULY THROUGH 24 JULY 2007 o-oo --- --o -oo o o- -oo o-oo oo -o o ooo July 11 - ARRL June VHF QSO Party, email logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: June VHF, ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111, USA. Find rules at: July 12 - SBMS 2 GHz and Up WW Club Contest, email logs to: (none), paper logs and diskettes to: SBMS Contest Committee, Pat Coker, N6RMJ, 40916 179th Street, Lancaster CA 93535, USA. Find rules at: July 15 - GACW WWSA CW DX Contest, email logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: GACW DX Contest, PO Box 9, B1875ZAA Wilde, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Find rules at: July 15 - His Maj. King of Spain Contest, SSB, email logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: URE HF Contests, PO Box 220, 28080 Madrid, Spain. Find rules at: July 16 - Kid's Day Contest, email logs to: (none), paper logs and diskettes to: (see rules). Find rules at:, July 20 - West Virginia QSO Party, email logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Richard Dillon, K8VE, PO Box 1177, Buckhannon WV 26201, USA. Find rules at: July 24 - ARRL Field Day, Post log summary at:, paper logs and diskettes to: Field Day Entries, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111, USA. Find rules at: July 24 - ARCI Milliwatt Field Day, email logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Milliwatt Field Day, c/o Jeff Hetherington, VA3JFF, 139 Elizabeth St W., Welland, Ontario L3C 4M3, Canada. Find rules at:,com_extcalendar/Itemid,/extmode,view/extid,52/lang,en/ July 24 - Marconi Memorial HF Contest, email logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: ARI sez.di Fano, PO Box 35, 61032 FANO (PU), Italy. Find rules at: July 24 - Ukrainian DX DIGI Contest, email logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: (none). Find rules at: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION The Contester's Rate Sheet wishes to acknowledge information from the following sources: WA7BNM's Contest Calendar Web page - <> SM3CER's Web site - <> ARRL members may subscribe at no cost by editing their Member Data Page as described at <>. Excel and Windows are trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation