Contester's Rate Sheet for October 3, 2007
******************************************** CONTESTER'S RATE SHEET 3 OCTOBER 2007 Edited by Ward Silver N0AX Published by the American Radio Relay League Free to ARRL members - tell your friends! (Subscription info at the end of newsletter) ******************************************** SUMMARY o School Club Roundup - First Fall Running o California and Pennsylvania QSO Parties o NA RTTY Sprint and PSK Rumble o New Products from Microham and Array Solutions o WWYC Founder LZ5AZ - Silent Key o ARRL DX Phone Web Results Available o Freeware CAD and Simulation Programs o ESD Tutorial o Values NEW HF OPERATORS - THINGS TO DO o The School Club Roundup and two of the biggest state QSO parties - CA and PA - are happening in the next two weeks. Get on and enjoy the improved fall HF conditions! BULLETINS o The email address for logs in the VHF 2-Meter Sprint rules ( was wrong. The correct email address is [email protected]. (Thanks, Jim W4KXY) BUSTED QSOS o Sharp-eyed Steve K7AWB notes that the electro-compatibility note in last issue's Technical Tips column should have referred to aluminum-copper connections. CONTEST SUMMARY (Rules follow Commentary section) October 6 - 7 - RSGB 21/28 MHz Contest - Classic Exchange, CW - EU Autumn Sprint, SSB - California QSO Party - Oceania DX Contest, Phone - YLRL Annivesary Party, CW - PSK Rumble - PRO CW Contest - VHF Fall Sprints, 432 MHz (Oct 3) - 10-10 Day Sprint October 13 - 14 - Worked All Britain, Phone - Straight Key Sprint - Pennsylvania QSO Party - North American RTTY Sprint - YLRL Anniversary Party, SSB - EU Autumn Sprint, CW - Oceania DX Contest, CW - FISTS Fall Sprint, CW - Bill Windle QSO Party, CW - VHF Fall Sprints, Microwave (Oct 13) --o- ooo - --o- ooo - --o- ooo - -oo o NEWS, PRESS RELEASES, AND GENERAL INTEREST - oooo o o-o o- - o ooo oooo o o - -o- This coming week is the first fall running of the School Club Roundup. You can take advantage of the improved fall conditions to work some of our potential future contesters and welcome new hams to Amateur Radio. Complete information about School Club Roundup is online ( on the ARRL Web site. (Thanks, Lew N2RQ) Joe W4TV writes to say that microKEYER II ( is now shipping. It provides all the operating features and modes of the original microKEYER with a high performance USB sound system for single radio operation. Also, microHAM USB Device Router 5.0.1 has been released for all microHAM interfaces. This is important to Vista users and there are other improvements, as well. Don't forget the on-line listing of planned contest operations ( maintained by NG3K. This can be very helpful in maximizing your multiplier count! (Thanks, Tim K3LR) K7LXC notes that the Rohn push-up masts that seem to be hard to find in retail outlets are still available at (Tessco sells to business customers only, but the resourceful ham can find a friendly ear to place an order, I'm sure.) Tessco shows the H20, H30, H40, and H50 in stock. In looking for a source of portable (wearable) audio mixers, you'll find that the motorcycle industry has tackled this problem pretty well. For example, check out and take a look at the many products they have. Some might be pretty useful at a multi-op station. (Thanks, Rick Wallace) The Klein Tools catalog is a wonderful thing for browsing. You can download ( a copy for yourself if you can wait for the full 45 Mbytes. Printed pages can be strategically left around the house during shopping seasons and before birthdays. Ace Hardware has a comprehensive introduction to many common tool types on their Web site at Click "Projects and Solutions" and then "Learning Guides" to access the directory of informative pages. Stein LA6FJA sends sad news from Bulgaria that the co-founder of World Wide Young Contesters, Dimitar LZ5AZ passed away yesterday at young age of 23. Dimi was very active on the air and with the WWYC as the site's Webmaster. URL of the Week - The radio site of ZL6QH (, a beacon to DX contesters for the past 10 years, is to close down after this weekends CQ WW RTTY DX Contest, while a large wind farm called West Wind ( is built. The construction will take about two years and the hope is to rebuild the radio site and be back on air in about three years.(Thanks, Bob ZL2AMI/ZM2A) oooo o -o-- -o-- o- o-oo o-oo SIGHTS AND SOUNDS o-- o- - -o-o oooo - oooo oo ooo You'll never think about meteor scatter in quite the same way - (Thanks, Gil Newcomb) If you're nostalgic for the smell of teleprinter oil, ribbon ink, and rolls of yellowed paper, fret no more. Bob N6TV found this video of a Model 28 teletype doing its thing ( to be wonderfully evocative. Make the sound track into a looped MP3 and start it up during CQ WW RTTY! In the "Don't You Just Hate When That Happens?" category, take a look at ham radio's favorite star interacting with a comet in a painful way. Earlier this year, Comet Encke was passing a little too close to the Sun when a coronal mass ejection hit the comet and ripped off its tail while NASA's STEREO spacecraft was watching ( I guess you can't blame THAT one on the dog! (Thanks, Rush K2UA) JK K9JK inquires, "Does the QRS song mean we should start referring to "Who Are You?" by The Who as the QRA song?" oo-o oo -o -oo -o-- --- oo- o-o RESULTS AND RECORDS -o-o o- o-oo o-oo oooo o o-o o At long last, the 2007 ARRL DX Phone Web results writeup ( is available to ARRL members. There were some significant difficulties with this year's results including, but not limited to, some egregious mixups in the QST version and a scoring problem for DX stations. Explanatory notes are present in the writeup and I believe we'll be able to avoid these problems next year. On the brighter side, the Divisional Analysis is the best ever! The 2006 Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge results are now posted ( on the Stew Perry Web page. Don't forget the "warm-up Stew" on October 20th - details and rules are also available on the same Web site. (Thanks, Tree N6TR) Tack JE1CKA reports that the JIDX 2007 CW contest results are now available on the Web at 2006 JIDX Phone awards are to be airmailed within the next month. oooo o -o-- -o-- --- oo- OPERATING TIP o-- o- -o- o oo- o--o If you'd like to get a sneak preview of propagation before a big contest, tune the bands 27 days ahead of time. The Sun rotates on its axis once in that time, so features that affect HF propagation such as sunspots (remember them?) and coronal holes are again positioned towards Earth. No guarantees, of course, since the Sun changes all the time, but there is some merit in using the 27-day lookahead as an indicator. oo oo-o oo - ooo -o --- - -ooo o-o --- -o- o TECHNICAL TIPS AND INFORMATION -o-- --- oo- o-o o -o --- - - o-o -o-- oo -o --o A good reminder - when taping over a vertical connection, have the last layer of tape winding up. That way it overlaps like shingles on the roof. Winding the wrap downward will result in the tape channeling the water flowing down right into the connection. (Thanks, Steve K7LXC) Art W6KY recommends for both students and hobbyists who are looking to expand their knowledge in electricity and electronics. It's a series of online textbooks suitable for the newcomer and more experienced reader. The empty cylinders that hold pre-moistened hand wipes have been observed to work well for holding plastic wire ties. Wal-Mart sells their own brand in cylinders that are fully 8" tall and have a wide but easily sealed opening that can be made to suit storage needs with a few deft minutes with a pocket knife. (Thanks, Tim K3HX) If you do a lot of tower work and need a "one stop shop", you could do a lot worse than They have equipment for the professional side of tower work and an extensive catalog. (Thanks, Ralph K9ZO) Another useful schematic capture and PCB layout program with a freeware version (250 pin limit, non-commercial designs) is Dip Trace ( It can import libraries from other software and integrates well with the free version of the electronic simulator program LTSpice from Linear Technology ( Upgrades to versions with additional capabilities are reasonably priced, too. (Thanks, Larry N8LP) If switching or switchmode power supplies are something about which you'd like to know more, the National Semiconductor Application Note 556 and others (available at provide a introduction to them. Beginning with a review of linear supplies, App Note 556 gives a good survey of the common "switchmode" topologies. If you are looking for a source of traps for a dipole or sloper, George K8GG points out that pairs of Reyco Traps by Unadilla ( are available from AES ( and HRO ( TECHNICAL URL OF THE WEEK -- We hear a lot about static discharge and ESD protection for electronics. Workbench ESD mats and clips are used by every manufacturer. What's ESD and ESD protection all about? The ESD Association has published a good overview and introduction to ESD at If you do a lot of building or repair work, this might be a good read! o- -o-o -o-o oo- o-o o- -o-o -o-- oo ooo o--- --- -ooo CONVERSATION --- -o o oo -o -o-o --- -o - o ooo - oo -o --o Values Recently, I wrote a Hands-On Radio column in QST about design sensitivities. In the column, I discussed some ways of referring to component values that are of importance to circuit designers: Nominal Value - the specified value of a component Standard Value - a series of nominal values commonly used for components Actual Value - the measured value of a component Ideal Value - an exact value resulting from a design calculation Typical Value - a common value exhibited by components of the specified type Perhaps there are equivalent types of contest scores? Raw Score - the value reported by your software, including all the typos and the old CTY file you forgot to upgrade. Reported Score - What you typed into 3830 after 48 hours of chair time while the giant rabbits and auditory hallucinations are still fighting it out in your head. Claimed Score - What you actually sent in with the Cabrillo file, hopefully kept secret by the sponsors for as long as possible. Rumored Score - What your arch rival is telling everybody you made. Denied Score - See "Rumored Score" Just Among Friends Score - What you whisper to your buddies over pizza. Sure, Right Score - Reported scores of known cheaters and guys claiming to have a world record QRP score, but they're only using a dipole. Actual Score - What comes out in the results after everybody has forgotten all the above scores. You hope. 73, Ward N0AX -o-o --o- - o ooo - -o-o --o- - o ooo - CONTESTS -- 3 OCTOBER THROUGH 16 OCTOBER 2007 -o-o --o- - o ooo - -o-o --o- - o ooo - Note that the following abbreviations are used to condense the contest rules summaries: SO - Single-Op; M2 - Multi-Op - 2 Transmitters; MO - Multi-Op; MS - Multi-Op, Single Transmitter; MM - Multi-Op, Multiple Transmitters; AB - All Band; SB - Single Band; S/P/C - State/Province/DXCC Entity; HP - High Power (>100 W); LP - Low Power; QRP (5W or less) HF CONTESTS RSGB 21/28 MHz Contest--SSB/CW, sponsored by the RSGB, 0700Z - 1900Z Oct 7. Frequencies: 15 and 10 meters (see Web site for band plan), work UK stations only. Categories: UK and DX SO or MS (Open, Restricted, QRP <10W) and SWL (Open and Restricted). Exchange: serial number and UK district. QSO Points: 3 pts/QSO. Score QSO points x UK districts (UK stations use DXCC entities plus JA, W, VE, VK, ZL and ZS call areas) counted once per band. For more information: Logs due Oct 22 to [email protected] or to RSGB--G3UFY, 77 Bensham Manor Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7 7AF, England. Classic Exchange--CW, from 1300Z Oct 7 - 0700Z Oct 8. Frequencies: 1.810, 3.545, 7.045, 14.045, 21.135, 28.050, 50.100, 144.100 Mc. Score: QSOs on all bands x equipment age multiplier. For more information: Logs to WQ8U, 104 W Queen St, Hillsborough, NC 27278. EU Autumn Sprint--SSB, sponsored by the EU Sprint Gang, 1600Z - 1959Z Oct 6 (CW is 1600Z - 1959Z Oct 13). Frequencies: 80-20 meters, stations outside EU work EU stations only. SOAB category only. Exchange: your call, serial number, name, other station's call. Special QSY rule--see Web site. Score is number of QSOs. For more information: Logs due 15 days after the contest to [email protected] or Paolo Cortese, I2UIY, PO Box 14, I-27043 Broni (PV), Italy (CW logs to Karel Karmasin, OK2FD, Gen Svobody 636, CZ-674 01 Trebic, Czech Republic). California QSO Party -- CW/SSB, sponsored by the Northern California Contest Club, 1600Z Oct 6 - 2159Z Oct 7. Frequencies: 160-2 meters. Categories: SOAB (HP >200 W, LP, QRP), MS, MM, CA County Expedition, Mobile, Club, School. SO work 24 hours only. CW QSOs in CW subbands, except 160/6/2 meters. Stations on a county line count as a single contact for QSO points, but both counties may be claimed as multipliers. Exchange: serial number and state/province (DX send DX) or CA county. QSO points: CW--3 pts, Phone--2 pts. Score: QSO points � CA counties (max 58) or CA stations multiply by states and VE call areas (max 58). For more information: or [email protected]. Logs due by Nov 15 via Web form at (preferred), email to [email protected], or NCCC c/o Kevin Rowett K6TD, 21906 Monte Ct, Cupertino, CA 95014-1144. Oceania DX Contest--primary sponsorship by Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) and New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (NZART), Phone 0800Z Oct 6 - 0800Z Oct 7 (CW is 0800Z Oct 13 - 0800Z Oct 14). Frequencies: 160-10 meters, work VK/ZL/Oceania stations only. Categories: SOAB, SOSB, MS, MM, SWL. Exchange: RS(T) and serial number. QSO Points: 160--20 pts, 80--10 pts, 40--5 pts, 20--1 pt, 15--2 pts, 10--3 pts. Score: QSO points � WPX prefixes counted once per band. For more information: Logs due Nov 11 in Cabrillo format (required for logs with more than 50 QSOs) to [email protected] (CW to [email protected]) or paper logs (if less than 50 QSOs) to Oceania DX Contest, c/o Wellington Amateur Radio Club Inc., PO Box 6464, Wellington 6030, New Zealand. YLRL Anniversary Party--CW, sponsored by the YLRL, 1400Z Oct 2 - 0200Z Oct 4. (phone Oct 9 - Oct 11) Frequencies: 160 - 10 meters. Exchange: serial number, RS(T), and ARRL section/VE province/country. QSO Points: US or VE YL's--1 pt, DX YLs--2 pts. Score: QSO points x S/P/C. For more information: Logs due 30 days after the contest to [email protected] or to Nancy Rabel Hall, KC4IYD, PO Box 775, North Olmsted, OH 44070. PSK Rumble (The Fall Classic)--sponsored by Troy ARA, 0000Z - 2400Z Oct 6. Frequencies: 160-6 meters. Exchange: Name and S/P/C. Categories: Normal (>100 W), Great (<20 W), Super (<5 W), SWL, and Team Challenge. Score: QSO's x (W/VE/JA/VK call areas + DXCC entities counted once per band). For more information: Logs due 29 Oct via online score submission form at PRO CW Contest, from 1600Z -- 1800Z Oct 6 and 0600Z -- 0800Z Oct 7. Frequencies: 7 MHz. Categories: SO (YO and non-YO), QRP, MO, PRO CW member. Exchange: RST and serial number or PRO CW member number. QSO Points: 4 pts/QSO outside EU, double for PRO CW member. QTC may also be exchanged (see Web site). Score: QSO Points x DXCC and WAE entities + YO call districts. For more information: Logs due 20 days after the contest to [email protected] or Ioan Brange YO2RR, Str Imparatul Traian nr 2, RO-30550 Lugoj, Romania. 10-10 Day Sprint--Phone/CW/Digital, 0001Z - 2359Z, Oct 10. One QSO per station, regardless of mode. 10-meters only. Exchange: call, name, state and 10-10 number (if available). QSO Points: nonmembers--1 pt, members--2 pts. Total score: sum of QSO points. For more information: Logs due Oct 25 to [email protected] or Steve Rasmussen N0WY, 312 N 6th Street, Plattsmouth, NE 68048-1302. Worked All Britain HF Contest--Phone, from 1200Z Oct 13 - 1200Z Oct 14. Frequencies: 20 - 10 meters. Categories: SOAB, MO, QRP (10 W), SWL, Fixed, Mobile, Portable all categories. Exchange: RS(T), serial number, and DXCC entity or WAB area. QSO Points: 5 pts/QSO. Total score: QSO points x WAB multipliers (see Web site) + DXCC entities. For more information: Logs due Nov 4 to [email protected] or Brian Stocks G0BFJ, 96 North Street, Lockwood Huddersfield, HD1 3SL, England. Straight Key Sprint--sponsored by the Straight Key Century Club from 0000Z - 0200Z Oct 10 (WES Weekend Sprint, 0000Z Oct 28 - 0000Z Oct 29). Frequencies (MHz): 3.550, 7.055, 14.050, 21.050, 28.050. Categories: SKCC Member, Non-Member. Exchange S/P/C + SKCC number or power. QSO Points: 1 pt/per QSO. Score: QSO points x S/P/C. (see Web site for bonus points). For more information: and Pennsylvania QSO Party--CW, Phone, PSK31, RTTY. sponsored by the Nittany ARC from 1600Z Oct 13 - 0500Z Oct 14 and 1300Z - 2200Z Oct 14. Frequencies (MHz): CW-1.810 and 40 kHz above band edge; Phone-1.850, 3.980, 7.280, 14.280, 21.380, 28.480; mobiles 5 kHz below the listed frequencies; PSK31 on 28.120, 24.920,21.070, 14.070, 7.080, 3.580. Categories: SO (HP >150W, LP, QRP), MS, MM, SO or MS Portable, Novice/Tech/TechPlus, Mobile, Rover. Exchange: serial number and ARRL/RAC section (PA stations send PA county). QSO Points: CW-2 pts on 160 and 80, 1.5 pts on other bands; Phone-1 pt., PSK31 and RTTY-2 points. Score: QSO points x PA counties (PA stations use PA counties + ARRL/RAC sections + 1 DX) x 2 if QRP or x 3 if Novice/Tech. Add 200 points for each QSO with the bonus station (see Web site). PA mobiles and rovers add 500 points for each county with 10 or more QSOs. For more information: Logs due Nov 14 to [email protected] or PA QSO Party, c/o NARC, PO Box 614, State College, PA 16804-0614. North American RTTY Sprint--sponsored by the National Contest Journal, 0000Z - 0400Z Oct 14. Frequencies 80 -- 20 meters. North American stations work everyone; others work NA stations only. Exchange both callsigns, serial number, name, and S/P/C. The same station can be worked multiple times provided 3 contacts separate the contact in both logs, regardless of band. QSY rule: Stations calling CQ, QRZ, etc, may only work one station in response to that call; they must then move at least 1 kHz before working another station or 5 kHz before soliciting another call. Once you are required to QSY, you may not make a new QSO on the previous frequency until you have made a contact at least 1 or 5 kHz (as required) away. For more information: Logs due 7 days after the contest via Web form at, [email protected] or Ed Muns, W0YK, PO Box 1877, Los Gatos, CA 95031-1877. YLRL Anniversary Party--SSB, 1400Z Oct 9 - 0200Z Oct 11 (see Oct 6-7) EU Autumn Sprint--CW, 1500Z - 1859Z Oct 13 (see Oct 6-7) Oceania DX Contest--CW, 0800Z Oct 13 - 0800Z Oct 14 (see Oct 6-7) FISTS Fall Sprint--CW, sponsored by FISTS CW Club from 1700Z - 2100Z Oct 13. Frequencies: 80-10 meters. Categories: SOAB (QRP and QRO), Club. Exchange: RST, QTH (S/P/C), Name, FISTS number if member, nonmembers send power output. QSO points: member - 5 pts, nonmembers - 2 pts. Score: QSO points x S/P/C (count S/P only once, count DXCC each time). For more information: Logs due 30 days after the contest to [email protected] or Dan Shepherd N8IE, 1900 Pittsfield St, Kettering, OH 45420 Bill Windle QSO Party--CW, sponsored by First Class Operator's Club (FOC), from 0000Z -- 2359Z Oct 13. Frequencies: 160 -- 10 meters, 6 & 2 meters. Call "CQ BW" from 15 to 45 kHz above band edge, open to all hams, not just FOC members. Exchange: RST and name or FOC number, if member. Report total QSOs with FOC members, counted once per band, FOC members report total QSOs and total FOC QSOs. For more information: QSO totals due 7 days after the contest to [email protected]. VHF+ CONTESTS VHF Fall Sprints--CW/Phone/Digital, 432 MHz, 7-11 PM local Oct 3 and Microwave (902 MHz and higher) 6 AM-12 PM local Oct 13. Categories: Fixed and Rover. Exchange: Grid Square. QSO Points: 1 pt/QSO. Score is QSO Points x Grid Squares, score each sprint separately. Rovers add all grids worked from each grid. For more information: Logs must be emailed or postmarked within four weeks of the contest. 432 MHz logs to [email protected] or Jim Worsham W4KXY, 1915 Oak Wind Lane, Buford, GA 30519-6766. Microwave logs to [email protected] or Dexter McIntyre W4DEX, 16164 Pless Mill Rd, Stanfield, NC 28163. -oo --- -o - -- oo ooo ooo -o-- --- oo- o-o LOG DUE DATES - 3 OCTOBER THROUGH 16 OCTOBER 2007 o-oo --- --o -oo o o- -oo o-oo oo -o o ooo October 3 - ARS Spartan Sprint, emai logs to: [email protected], post log summary at:, paper logs and diskettes to: (none). Find rules at: October 3 - MI QRP Labor Day CW Sprint, emai logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Tim Pepper, K8NWD, 4391 Clintonville Rd., Waterford, MI 48329, USA. Find rules at: October 8 - AGCW VHF/UHF Contest, emai logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Manfred Busch, DK7ZH, Ebachstr. 13, D-35716 Dietzhoelztal-Mandeln, Germany. Find rules at: October 8 - Swiss HTC QRP Sprint, emai logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Guido Giannini, HB9BQB, Kleinzelglistrasse 6, CH-8952 Schlieren, Switzerland. Find rules at: October 8 - SOC Marathon Sprint, emai logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Bob Patten, N4BP, 2841 N.W. 112 Terrace, Plantation, FL 33323, USA. Find rules at: October 9 - ARCI End of Summer Digital Sprint, emai logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: End Of Summer PSK-31 Sprint, c/o Jeff Hetherington, VA3JFF, 139 Elizabeth St. W., Welland, Ontario L3C 4M3, Canada. Find rules at:,com_extcalendar/Itemid,/extmode,view/extid,49/lang,en/ October 9 - International G3ZQS Memorial Straight Key Contest, emai logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Lee Hallin N7NU, 3413 Walton Ln, Eugene OR 97408, USA. Find rules at: October 10 - ARRL September VHF QSO Party, emai logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: September VHF, ARRL, 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111, USA. Find rules at: October 10 - SARTG WW RTTY Contest, emai logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: SARTG Contest Manager, Ewe Hakansson, SM7BHM, Pilspetsvagen 4, SE-29166 Kristianstad, Sweden. Find rules at: October 11 - Tennessee QSO Party, emai logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Tennessee QSO Party, c/o Doug Smith, W9WI, 1389 Old Clarksville Pike, Pleasant View, TN 37146-8098, USA. Find rules at: October 12 - YLRL Howdy Days, emai logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Nancy Rabel Hall, KC4IYD, PO Box 775, North Olmsted, OH 44070, USA. Find rules at: October 15 - WAE DX Contest, SSB, emai logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: (none). Find rules at: October 15 - 144 MHz Fall Sprint, emai logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Ottmar Fiebel W4WSR, PO Box 957, Hayesville, NC 28904, USA. Find rules at: October 15 - QRP Afield, emai logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Chuck Ludinsky, K1CL, 6 Pracing Rd., Chelmsford, MA 01824-1922, USA. Find rules at: October 16 - ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest, emai logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: 10 GHz Contest, ARRL Contest Branch, 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111, USA. Find rules at: October 16 - ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest, emai logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: 10 GHz Contest, ARRL Contest Branch, 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111, USA. Find rules at: October 16 - QCWA Fall QSO Party, emai logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: W2OD, Robert Buus, 8 Donner Street, HOLMDEL N.J. 07733-2004, USA. Find rules at: October 16 - FISTS Get Your Feet Wet Weekend, emai logs to: [email protected], paper logs and diskettes to: Lee Hallin N7NU, 3413 Walton Ln, Eugene OR 97408, USA. Find rules at: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION The Contester's Rate Sheet wishes to acknowledge information from the following sources: WA7BNM's Contest Calendar Web page - <> SM3CER's Web site - <> ARRL members may subscribe at no cost by editing their Member Data Page as described at <>. Windows and Vista are trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation