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Find an Amateur Radio License Class

Valhalla NY 10595



Start/End Dates: 03/11/2025 - 05/06/2025
Times: 7-9:15 PM ET
# of Sessions: 9
Class level: General
Morse code offered: No
Pre register required: No
Fee: 0
Pre Study required: No
Class Type: Traditional
Exam offered: Yes
Sponsoring Club/Organization: Westchester Emergency Communications Association
Instructor: W2UL
Contact: Larrie Sutliff
Phone: (732) 693-4504
Location: Zoom & Westchester County Fire Training Center
4 Dana Road
Valhalla, NY 10595
Additional Information: Class is in-person and on Zoom. Upgrade your FCC ham radio license to Amateur General and gain access to a world of additional frequencies and worldwide communications privileges. Details of the class may be found in the WECA General Class flyer here: Please obtain the text noted in the flyer and begin reading. Contact [email protected] to register. We will look forward to seeing you at the first class. For on-site FTC students: Classroom training is held at the Westchester County Fire Training Center, 4 Dana Road, Valhalla, NY. We enter through the rear door: Headed eastbound on Dana Road from Rt 9A, with Home Depot at your back, drive past 4 Dana Road, turn right on Walker Road and park in the long lot on the right. Go down the outdoor stairway, pass the trailer on the right, turn right twice and enter through the Classroom #3 rear door. Handicapped access is available on the training level: Park in front and use the security phone at the front door to gain access.



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