Watson IL 62473
Start/End Dates: 03/29/2025 - 03/30/2025
Times: Saturday 10-6pm, Sunday Noon-5pm
# of Sessions: 2
Class level: Technician
Morse code offered: No
Pre register required: No
Fee: 0
Pre Study required: Yes
Class Type: Weekend/One Day
Exam offered: Yes
Sponsoring Club/Organization: National Trail Amateur Radio Club
Instructor: KD9PJN
Colby Higgs KD9PJN
Phone: (217) 347-7297
Email: info@nationaltrailarc.org
Location: Watson Civic Center
103 Jackson St
Watson, IL 62473
Additional Information: The National Trail Amateur Radio Club will be offering an Amateur Radio Technician and General Class on Saturday, March 29 and Sunday March 30th. The class will be held at the Watson Civic Center located at 103 Jackson St. in Watson, Illinois.
On Saturday, the class will run from 10am until 6pm. On Sunday, the class will run from Noon until 5pm with testing immediately following, on Sunday. On Saturday, there will be a lunch break.
The course will teach radio theory and regulations; operating procedures; basic electronics; antenna design and propagation; and emergency communication.
The class is free to participate, but you must pre-register.
For more information or to register, email [email protected] or call (217)347-7297.