Restricted space multi band HF antenna recommendations
Sep 8th 2014, 06:17 | |
KA6ALFTotal Topics: 0 Total Posts: 0 |
I live in a condo and recently upgraded to General. I would like to start using the HF privileges I just earned, but need some antenna advice. I would like to cram as many frequencies into a single antenna as possible, but do realize that it will work well on some frequencies and not so well on others. I need some advice as to what type antenna to look at. I have heard about loop and folded dipoles, magnetic loops, fan dipoles and verticals just to mention a few. I am going to have to mount this in the attic so space is limited. The attic measures 39' long and 15' wide across the floor with a 9' peak (from the floor). I already have the 2m and 440 taken care of so I am looking for 6m on up (as many as I can cover somewhat efficiently). I have photos of the attic available if needed. Thanks in advance, Mike KA6ALF(formerly KD6NVO) [email protected] |
Sep 8th 2014, 15:00 | |
W1VTSuper Moderator Total Topics: 0 Total Posts: 0 | An All-Band Attic Antenna Kai Siwiak, KE4PT, describes how to make an effective inverted L with an Icom AH-4 autotuner. QST October 2007 pp. 33-37. Condo associates cannot entirely prohibit displays of the American Flag--now that the Freedom to Display the American Flag act of 2006 is the law of the land. A flagpole with an autotuner at the base can be a very effective antenna on many bands--a 20 ft flagpole works well on 40 through 10 meters, Zack Lau W1VT ARRL Senior Lab Engineer |
Sep 8th 2014, 22:08 | |
WA9WVXTotal Topics: 0 Total Posts: 0 |
Hey Zack, I wonder if Alldude1's HOA would approve my favorite Flagpole? It's located in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Just Copy & Paste into your browser. Dan WA9WVX |