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Rookie Roundup question

Apr 11th 2015, 02:18

[email protected]

Joined: Mar 27th 2014, 10:42
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I just need clarification on something regarding the Rules:

Section 6.6 of the Rules says that a Non-Rookie operator with General or Extra Class privileges can act as Control Operator for Rookie ops in person (but not get on the air themselves).....

My question is: Can a ROOKIE with a General or Extra Class act as a C.O. for another Rookie of a lower class license (in person)?

If so, then does the lower-class Rookie then ID by saying "(their call) acting as (C.O.'s call)" when on bands they normally don't have privileges on (e.g., Technician on General bands with a General/Extra C.O.), or just use the C.O.'s call throughout the contact and log it under their own call?

Mike, W1DGL

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