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Oct 27th 2015, 00:45


Joined: Oct 22nd 2015, 19:24
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Hi. I have a Baofeng 8F Handheld. I have a longer antenna and a car antenna. I have passed my Entry Level test. I have yet to make one contact. I have been at this on-and-off for the past few months. I participated in a volunteer event (borrowed radio) and I have gone to 1 meeting.

I am desperately in need of an Elmer. (just learned that term after the meeting this month) - I dont even know if I set my offset right. At first I attempted the difference, I think 600KHz. Then I realized since one repeater is + and the other is -, maybe I should just type in the desired transmission frequency.

I dont have thousands to spend, but Id like to get into this more, and Id really like to buy used equipment so others can upgrade, and I can get a good deal as I learn.

I am new to this site, so heres my email as a backup: [email protected]

Any help would be appreciated. I think I did find another HAM operator in my town. If all else fails, Ill drop him a note in his mailbox.

Oct 27th 2015, 02:01


Joined: Aug 9th 2015, 14:26
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Look up some videos on Youtube on how to manually program the radio. Once you can program the radio correctly, get a programming cable and download Chirp. The program is free is will put in everything you need for the repeaters.
Good luck and feel free to contact me if you have more questions.

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