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Yaesu FTM-400XDR aprs packets over serial link is a non-standard format

Aug 31st 2016, 16:54


Joined: Oct 30th 2012, 19:42
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I have run into an issue with using the serial packet out on my FTM-400XDR. The data it is sending is split across two lines and includes some extraneous information. Due to this, programs like APRSdroid and Xastir are unable to properly parse the packets and display information about the objects/beacons/messages.

Below is a capture of the output from the radio's serial port. Note that sometimes a packet is followed by one newline, other times two.

W5NGU-3>APRX28 [08/13/16 00:26:22] :
;W5NGU-VHF*111111z3313.66N/09707.60WrW5NGU 146.920 pl 110.9 -0.6
W5NGU-3>APRX28 [08/13/16 00:26:23] :
;W5FKN-VHF*111111z3307.84N/09706.00WrW5NGU 145.17 pl 110.9 +5MHz
W5NGU-3>APRX28 [08/13/16 00:26:25] :
;WA5LIE/F *111111z3313.75N/09707.64WrWA5LIE/F Fusion 443.525 pl 118.8 +5MHz
N0FIB-7>SRTX6T,K5FTW-5*,WIDE2 [08/13/16 00:26:35] :
`}5Wlp [/`"60}_$

K5VLK-8>SSQU1R,W5NGU-3,WIDE1*,WIDE2-1 [08/13/16 00:26:54] :
`}_Xl -/`146.920MHz C110 -060 !SN! !DCARES_%

N3HA-9>APOTW1,W5NGU-3,WIDE1* [08/13/16 00:27:11] :
WD5RP-2>APTW01,K5FTW-5*,WIDE2 [08/13/16 00:27:37] :
!3241.74N/[email protected]
NT5HS-12>APT314,WIDE1*,WIDE2 [08/13/16 00:27:54] :
N5WYN-1>APWW10,W5EEY-3,WIDE1,KK5PP-3*,WIDE2 [08/13/16 00:28:36] :
>EM12vh/- APRSISCE/32
WD5RP-2>APTW01,K5FTW-5*,WIDE2 [08/13/16 00:28:41] :
!3241.74N/[email protected]
KC5TIL-3>APTW01,K5FTW-5*,WIDE2 [08/13/16 00:28:58] :
K5NRD-9>S3PQ5P,W5NGU-3,WIDE1*,WIDE2-1 [08/13/16 00:28:59] :
`|RRl"3j/`"5w}146.640MHz T118 -060_%

WD5RP-2>APTW01,K5FTW-5*,WIDE2 [08/13/16 00:29:43] :
WD5RP-2>APTW01,K5FTW-5*,WIDE2 [08/13/16 00:29:47] :
!3241.74N/[email protected]

The output is almost valid TNC-2 format, but for some reason Yaesu put a timestamp, "" and a CR/LF in the header.

I contacted Yaesu about the issue, but have spent 2 weeks going back and forth trying to get them on the same page. Does anyone have a suggestion for how I could better explain the issue? Optionally, some kind of workaround would be nice. At this point I'm considering building a small inline device that reads in the serial data, corrects it, then outputs it on the other end.

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