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Funny looking antennas for SDR dongle

Aug 23rd 2017, 17:15


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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I bought a RTL-SDR Blog R820T2 RTL2832U 1PPM TCXO SMA Software Defined Radio (Dongle Only) on Amazon and a package of three antennas. $40 for everything.

Using SDR# and the whip, I can tune FM broadcast and my local VHF repeater, nut what are the two little dudes good for? There is no frequency marking on them--only the brand name.They are cylinders of about 0.5 inch diameter and maybe 2.5 inches long.

The dongle is rated up to 1.7m gigahertz and I saw somewhere that these are "helical" antennas.

Aug 24th 2017, 10:43


Joined: Sep 2nd 2003, 12:14
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They are designed for transmitting on higher UHF frequencies. For *receiving*, the larger whip should hear on those frequencies just as well as the smaller ones, if not better.

Mark AI4BJ
Aug 24th 2017, 14:22


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Thank you.

I have been toying with the idea of getting an xcvr sdr dongle such as a "hackRF one". The dongle puts out in milliwatts. Is there any kind of amplifier that would drive these antenna?
Jan 23rd 2022, 19:31

[email protected]

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