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Strange carriers on 30 meter band

Dec 10th 2017, 19:52


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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30 Meter Carriers

For a long time now I have noticed two signals on the 30Meter band that I cannot identify. The frequencies of these signals are: 10.1215 MHz and 10.130MHz and have no modulation but randomly timed interruptions every few hundred milliseconds. At first I suspected that the interruptions might be 180degree phase changes but that turned out to be incorrect. The phase of the carriers stays constant thru the interruptions. I listened to the two binaurally and verified that the interruptions do not seem to be correlated between the two. I turned off everything else in my lab and listened to the carriers with both an IC706MKII and an ICR75 and I am convinced they are not birdies or radiation from anything in my lab or house.

Does anyone else hear these signals!
Does anyone have any explanation?


John N4OE/6
[email protected]

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