Meteor Induced Sporadic E/Chirp Radar
Oct 13th 2011, 17:36 | |
WA3YGQTotal Topics: 0 Total Posts: 0 |
need other Chirp Radar experimenters for meteor induced Sporadic E in bistatic mode, a free download with Spectrum Lab The Summer Daytime Meteor Stream Trilogy; Arietids, Zeta Perseids & Beta Taurids along with UV rays of the Summer Solstice in Taurus are the cause of the Summer Es season. Lets Prove it. Winter Es is from the Ursid meteor shower radiant that is always overhead forever in the Auroral Zone. Lets Prove it. plenty of meteor activity that I track with right angle to the radiant propagation plane monostatic Chirp Radar on the horizon in VK land [email protected] |