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PCB Manufacturer

Mar 29th 2020, 21:02


Joined: Mar 3rd 2012, 03:12
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Greetings Everybody,

Does anyone have an recommendations for PCB manufacturers that are located in the USA? I am looking for a supplier that does plated through holes.

I checked FAR Circuit's website and they state that their boards are non-plated through holes.

Doing a google search, I found a company called Custom Circuit Boards located in Phoenix, AZ. Has anybody ever used their services and what is your experience good or bad with them?

The reason I am asking is that I am almost complete with a circuit board design using Express PCB and would like to have a board manufactured after I have verified the design as a prototype.

Thank You in Advance.

Best Regards and 73s,

Amateur Callsign WA2FTV
Amateur Extra
Mar 31st 2020, 07:26


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Support Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific.
ExpressPCB is fully operational to help with your PCB projects despite some of the recent world struggles. Email our support team to discuss your needs [email protected]
Apr 11th 2020, 09:19


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I have used Oshpark -, but I can get PCB's from China faster and cheaper.

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