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POTA beginner help

Jul 28th 2020, 19:08


Joined: Jul 1st 2020, 08:46
Total Topics: 0
Total Posts: 0
I'm setting up a portable station and I'd like to activate some parks in my area. I've made a few contacts to start getting a feel for this. I've never contested before.

I have my LoTW set up, I'm using Aether logging software and have an account with POTA. I'm using a MacBook for the computer and my FT100D for the radio. I've got a portable antenna set up with my ATAS 100, a great deep cycle battery and a flexible solar panel.

I need some advice and assistance on technically merging this all together and helping me to understand a few details.

Would someone be willing to spend some time with me on a phone call walking me through some of this?

Please feel free to contact me via email, [email protected] and we can exchange phone numbers.


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