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Selecting Proper Transistors for IF Amps

Jul 8th 2021, 00:27


Joined: Aug 25th 2016, 23:32
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I have decided to build up some IF strips. I've never done this. I would like to see a discussion r.e. choice of transistor (what, aside from Ft determines a good candidate?), and I would like some recommendations of various types (i.e., some BJTs, some mosfets, or other types) so I can look up their specs, and maybe buy some.
Oh, and if there are other comments r.e. IF Amps, I'm interested. Also feel free to PM me at [email protected]
Thanks, Bob, WB5EMX
Jul 8th 2021, 07:29


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From what I've heard, you ideally want vintage junk box transistors, as their are a lot of counterfeits on today's market. Alternately, you may want to buy in quantity from a reputable electronics distributor.

Sometimes distributors will have great deals on parts they are closing out because they are no longer suitable for use in new designs.
Free parts--just send an SASE with $5 postage!
Feb 4th 2023, 17:36


Joined: Apr 2nd 2013, 18:33
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RF transistors have evolved forward from the old 2n5109 that was developed for CATV amplifiers. NXP has a series of best transistors with much lower noise and higher frequency response and gain. I prefer their BUF520 for all receiver amplifier applications such as pre amp and if amp. see
If you want more specifics I contact me and I will send a schematic or gerber file for printing a circuit board. AK4VO

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