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Feb 11th 2022, 19:49


Joined: Feb 8th 2010, 08:35
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Hey guys, I have a website VE2DX.COM with many Ham products that I make myself if you are interested...

The only ic705 Bluetooth hubs (CT17B-6BT or CT17B-7DM (USB and Bluetooth)).

IMK2Jr (for 705, 7610, 7850, and 7851) and IMK3Jr (For all ICOM HF since 756Pro and also 9700!), its a memory keyer (8 memories for IMK2Jr and 4 memories with PTT and UP/DWN freq for IMK3Jr)

Also have great custom-made Acrylic call sign displays that can be custom made with anything you want AND it is the only one with PTT controlled DUAL LED Zones (2/3 one left is fixed ON, 1/3 on right is PTT controlled!)

And so much more (Bluetooth YAESU CAT interfaces, SO2R PCBs, Books, Used, etc...)

Please drop in to see it WWW.VE2DX.COM

Or drop me an email [email protected]

The YC1-BT Yaseu Bluetooth CAT interface VIDEO

Demo of the CT17B-6BT ONLY Bluetooth CI-V interface for computer or IC705 VIDEO

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