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Apr 4th 2023, 09:40

[email protected]

Joined: Aug 19th 2021, 12:23
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I am looking for info or guidance on using digital modes in the non-license ISM frequencies for remote monitoring of data. I'm interested in collecting data which is stored on sensors. The range I need is on the order of 1000ft, so typical wifi and bluetooth won't work. I was wondering if LoRaWan or something like it would be suitable. The data transfer rate required isn't very high, and could probably be done at a baud rate of 1k or so.

Any suggestions?
Apr 6th 2023, 07:10


Super Moderator

Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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The Shannon Hartley Channel capacity theorem can be useful for predicting how much SNR you need for a particular data rate. ISM bands can be quite noisy as there are so many unlicensed devices using there bands.

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