ad9850 modules on E-bay
Mar 6th 2012, 00:04 | |
jhickoxaa5aoTotal Topics: 0 Total Posts: 0 |
I have obtained one of the dds modules that sell on E-bay. I/O connectors consist of 2 SIP rows. Has anyone used these modules to construct a VFO? I want to start by just inputting a frequency via the parallel port on my computer using some of the software available off of the net, then adding a PIC later. I want to take this module and use it as a programmable VFO or to tune it via an encoder. Suggestions? Please send a reply to [email protected] |
Apr 4th 2012, 21:43 | |
genedorTotal Topics: 0 Total Posts: 0 |
I bought one also on eBay. it has the AD9850, and 125MHZ osc module, a trimpot and 2 single SIP rows. Does that sound like the same on you have? Gene, W5DOR [email protected] |