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How do I get internet abroad now?

Today, 06:05

[email protected]

Joined: Dec 24th 2024, 14:17
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This will be my first time going abroad, so you know, everything, literally everything makes me nervous because I don’t want to mess up, waste money, or anything like that. Let’s figure out the whole internet and connection situation. Can I just use my SIM card and turn on roaming? Or is that not always a good idea?
Today, 06:57

[email protected]

Joined: Dec 24th 2024, 13:57
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Well, your local provider probably won’t work outside your country because there are no towers, but you can set up a temporary agreement with foreign networks and use their services. A lot of people just buy a local SIM card when they get there.
Today, 07:29

[email protected]

Joined: Dec 20th 2024, 12:46
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Another option is eSIM, and honestly, I think it’s a more modern and way more convenient solution because you can handle everything online, in advance, no worries, and you won’t be running around the airport or city looking for providers or SIM cards. Check out, I really like this platform, and it works with a ton of countries. It’s cheaper than roaming and way safer than a physical SIM card.

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