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Renewing after 2 year grace

Jul 30th 2012, 04:08


Joined: Jul 30th 2012, 03:55
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So my license expired a while ago (2009) mainly because I've never personally owned a radio and the last time I was on the air was 2003. However I was looking at what it would take to renew and I was having a really hard time figuring out exactly what was involved. When I log into the ULS it says I need a waiver but I can't locate the waiver form.

Does anybody have any experience with this? Should I just retest and get a new license? (might as well go with general or extra this time I guess)

Bryan Hunt, PE
Aug 2nd 2012, 16:04


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Hello Bryan -

Regretfully, as you know, your Tech license has expired in October 2009 (and gone beyond the FCC two year renewal grace period) had cancelled in October 2011. Cancellation is a termination of that license.

As an ARRL member, I would have to believe that you had received the ARRL Members free offer for renewal, as well as reminders from other VEC's.

To get re-started back into amateur radio, you at a minimum must take the current 35-question Technician exam at a VE test session. Once you pass that test FCC will issue to you a new call sign.

The best place to learn about "ham radio", both the adventure, and the license structure is to start at:

Be sure to browse and click on the links at the left-hand side of the pages you visit in that section!

Hope that helps - for more concerns, feel free to call the ARRL VEC at 860-594-0300, or by e-mail [email protected]

Perry Green, WY1O

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