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Log Submission ... verification ????

Nov 19th 2013, 17:42


Joined: Jul 3rd 2013, 11:20
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Hey guys,
I submitted my SS log right after the contest ended Sunday. Should I have received a verification e-mail acknowledging the log ? I sent an e-mail to ARRL asking them but have not heard back yet :(

I guess I am used to most other contests. When you submit a log you get and almost instant e-mail response letting you know that they received your log and it was formatted properly.

Just curious,
Nov 19th 2013, 21:01


Joined: Apr 6th 1998, 00:00
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I got an email back from the Contest Robot in about 3 minutes verifying receipt of the log.

Doug - K1ZO
Nov 19th 2013, 21:52


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I sent mine Monday afternoon to

[email protected]

and got a reply in a minute. The confirmation email allows you to double check details like you entry category and club competition name--you can resubmit it until you get it right...

Zack W1VT
Nov 20th 2013, 00:10


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Well, my call is listed on the received logs list but I still did not get an e-mail ? Sent it again this evening, will see what happens.
Nov 21st 2013, 21:05


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The content may trigger some SPAM filter--it is an automated response, after all. If you don't find it in a junk mail folder--here is what the contest log submission page suggests:

If you submitted your entry electronically and do not find your log listed, first please check to see that you received back a numbered receipt from the ARRL Contest Robot. If you have a numbered receipt and your log does not appear within several hours, please contact [email protected] with your receipt number and they will look into the matter during regular ARRL business hours.
Nov 26th 2015, 04:21


Joined: Nov 18th 2013, 06:59
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Sorta on topic...
I submitted the Nov SS log with "None" in the club name spot; received a "Not Recognized" message from the robot, even though "None" is on the list of accepted club names. (I used N1MM+ to generate).
So, I resent the log with just blanks in the club name spot, and the robot took it.
Anyone else have this happen?

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