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2 meter slot-cube antenna KC5EZC on 29/12/18
I am the author of the Cube-Slot antenna. There are correct tube-cut lengths, as opposed to overall dimensions, now of qst-in-depth. Many have been successful with these. They are the length of the cut tubing pieces in my prototype. Sorry for the typos and error in the article.

There are three ways to tune the antenna: (1) shunt a little L or C across the feedpoint, a short hair pin or cap of circa 10 pf., (2) Shorten or lengthen tubes. This is more work but the best. To lower the frequency only, you can add short stubs at the corners across from the feedpoint corner. A couple inches of the tube flattened and screwed on.

If anyone finds another method, pass it alone: [email protected] or thru email.

John W6NBC

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