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AMSAT Area Coordinator Kevin Smith, N3HKQ, SK


Longtime AMSAT Area Coordinator Kevin Smith, N3HKQ, of Monongahela, Pennsylvania, died June 10. AMSAT Area Coordinators are volunteers who serve as AMSAT’s ambassadors to the Amateur Radio community. Smith also co-chaired the team that hosted the 2007 AMSAT Symposium in Pittsburgh, and he was a key player in executing an earlier ARISS contact from Upper St Clair (Pennsylvania) High School. He was a member of the Wireless Association of the South Hills and looked forward to making the satellite contacts at Field Day each year. Active on VHF and UHF, he had been migrating to the microwave bands. Survivors include his wife Peg, a son and a daughter. The family suggests memorial donations to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, the MDS Foundation, or to Be the Match. AMSAT News Service



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