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AMSAT Shifts to Virtual Format for 2021 Symposium and Annual Meeting


The 39th AMSAT Space Symposium, planned as an in-person event for late October, will now be a virtual event due to the lingering effects of COVID-19. Initial plans had called for a “live” event in Bloomington, Minnesota, following last year’s virtual symposium. AMSAT President Robert Bankston, KE4AL, said that AMSAT members voiced concern over the continued coronavirus pandemic and the risks associated with long-distance travel, as well as attendance at large gatherings.

“In the interest of everyone’s comfort and safety, we have made the difficult decision to return to a virtual meeting platform,” Bankston said. “If there is any good news in this, we know that last year’s virtual symposium event was well received and that we have the opportunity to repeat its success this year.”

Symposium organizers are reviewing the schedule for the event and will adjust it as needed to accommodate the shift from an in-person to a virtual event. Those who’ve already registered for the symposium will automatically receive refunds. Questions regarding the symposium can be sent to [email protected].

AMSAT has issued a second call for symposium papers. Proposals for presentations are invited on any topic of interest to the amateur satellite community. AMSAT requests a tentative presentation title as soon as possible. Final copy should be submitted by October 18 for inclusion in the symposium proceedings.

Send abstracts and papers to Dan Schultz, N8FGV. — Thanks to AMSAT News Service



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