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ARRL Field Day in the National Spotlight


Each year, the ARRL's Media and Public Relations Department makes materials available to Public Affairs Officers (PIOs) for use in promoting Field Day events. Most of these are in forms that local groups can easily modify to include their own information, but there is also a national press release that is sent out direct from ARRL HQ over the news wire.

ARRL Media and Public Relations Manager Allen Pitts, W1AGP, said many hams have seen the press release -- either portions of it or in its entirety -- with the headline Field Day -- Over 35,000 radio 'hams' active June 27-28. "This press release has already been printed in hundreds of newspapers and on Web sites, with more to come over Field Day weekend," Pitts explained. "Wire news services, like other merchants, also run 'special deals.' This year, we were also able to have our Field Day logo and caption displayed in the news cycle on the PR Newswire-Reuters news billboards in Times Square in New York City and in Las Vegas on June 15-17.

For more information on ARRL Field Day -- June 27-28 -- please visit the ARRL Field Day Web site.



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