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ARRL in Action: What Have We Been Up to Lately?


Compiled by S. Khrystyne Keane, K1SFA
ARRL News Editor
[email protected]

This feature -- including convenient Web links to useful information -- is a concise monthly update of some of the things ARRL is doing on behalf of its members. This installment covers the month of January.

IBEC -- the last of the Access BPL providers using the Amateur Radio spectrum -- announced it was shutting down.

The 2012 World Radiocommunication Conference began in Geneva, Switzerland. IARU Secretary Rod Stafford, W6ROD, gave a report on the first week of the Conference.

CEPT Coordinator for Agenda Item 1.23 Colin Thomas G3PSM, reported that during the first week of WRC-12, delegates are progressing with what he calls a “compromise proposal” for an MF secondary allocation to the Amateur Radio Service.

The ARRL Board of Directors held its 2012 Annual Meeting in Windsor, Connecticut. The minutes from the meeting are available online.

The ARRL Board of Directors had the pleasure of bestowing the annual awards at its meeting: The George Hart Distinguished Service Award, the ARRL International Humanitarian Award and the Bill Leonard, W2SKE, Professional Media Award in the print, audio and video categories.

With the retirement of ARRL Treasurer Jim McCobb, K1LU, after more than 30 years of service, the ARRL Board of Directors elected Rick Niswander, k7GM, as its sixth Treasurer.

The FCC announced that the effective date for the new service and technical rules for the utilization of new implanted medical devices that operate on 413-457 MHz (70 cm) is February 27.

Radio amateurs can now use Logbook of The World (LoTW) to apply for CQ awards.

W1AW, the Hiram Percy Maxim Station, replaced antennas that were damaged in the October 2011 snowstorm.

Two new books -- Get on the Air with HF Digital and Emergency Power for Radio Communications (second edition) have been released and are now available.

ARISSat-1 re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere.

The ARRL Awards Branch announced record numbers for DXCC applications and the Incoming and Outgoing QSL Bureaus.

The FCC denied the ARRL’s Petition for Reconsideration regarding vanity and club call signs. In a separate matter, the FCC also denied a Waiver Request by the Anchorage VEC to permit individuals who have previously held an Amateur Radio license -- but which has expired and is beyond the two year grace period for renewal -- to receive credit for elements previously passed.

Volunteer tour guides at ARRL Headquarters donate thousands of hours of their free time per year, giving tours to hundreds of visitors,

The ARRL Development Office announced that it had met its fundraising goals for 2011.

Radio amateurs are not affected by the narrowbanding requirements in the 150-174 and 421-512 MHz bands.

The FCC granted a Special Temporary Authority to a Texas ham to conduct spread spectrum experiments within 2.5 kHz signal bandwidths on 160-2 meters at a maximum of 100 W effective radiated power.

Videos of the presentations of the 2011 ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference are now available online.

Postage rates increased, costing hams more to send QSL cards direct.

Ham Radio in Hollywood: Amateur Radio made its debut on the hit ABC comedy Last Man Standing, starring Tim Allen as Mike Baxter, KA0XTT. Trailers for the new movie Journey 2: The Mysterious Island feature Amateur Radio.

Ham Nation, the Amateur Radio show on, showcased the new ARRL DIY video.

A new QuickStats poll was made available on the ARRL website.

The winner of the QST Cover Plaque Award for January is Ralph Taggart, WB8DQT, for his article “Vintage Low Power Radios.”

The March issue of QST and a new book -- The ABCs of Software Defined Radio -- were released to the printer.

Official Observer Desk: ARRL Field and Regulatory Correspondent Chuck Skolaut, K0BOG, handled complaints regarding inappropriate images being sent over SSTV, interference to repeaters in Illinois, South Florida, Eastern Massachusetts and California, music on 10 and 60 meters, operations on 3.910, 7.213 and 14.313 MHz, a broadcast-type signal on 6 meters, interference to a net on 20 meters, high power CB radios affecting 10 meters and a business in Missouri using a repeater. Skolaut also answered questions concerning overseas operating, repeater identification, interference from cable TV, modulated CW and emissions allowed on 30 meters.



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