ARRL Seeks Candidates to Serve on its Investment Management Committee
ARRL is seeking three qualified candidates to serve on its Investment Management Committee. Selected individuals will be part of a six-member team to provide oversight of ARRL’s external investment manager and to advise ARRL’s Administration & Finance Committee and the Board of Directors on investment policies and portfolio management. It is expected that committee members will meet quarterly, with one or two meetings in person and the remaining meetings via videoconference. Terms of office are to be 5 years, however, qualified candidates will be the initial committee members and the initial terms will be 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 years to create an appropriate staggered term structure.
Applicants should have the following qualifications:
- Hold a current amateur radio license and be a continuous full member of ARRL for at least 4 years.
- Have significant investment-related experience on the buy-side, sell-side, or preferably both.
- Have past and/or current employment managing or overseeing portfolios or budgets in excess of $10 million.
- Hold a degree in business or have equivalent experience in finance or investments. Preference will be given to those who have worked in the financial services industry and/or managed investment portfolios.
These positions are unpaid; however, necessary expenses, including travel to meetings, are reimbursable.
A committee has been established to recommend three candidates to the President. Qualified members are invited to submit a statement of interest and qualifications via email to [email protected]. The deadline to submit is April 15, 2022.