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CWops Announce Award for Advancing the Art of CW


CWops has announced a new, annual award to recognize individuals, groups, or organizations that have made the greatest contribution(s) toward advancing the art or practice of radio communication by Morse code.

Eligible candidates include the authors of publications related to CW; recruiters, trainers, mentors, coaches, and instructors of Morse code; designers and inventors who advance the art or practice of CW, and others contributing to the art or practice of CW. The award is not limited to Amateur Radio operators or organizations.

Anyone can submit a nomination (with a copy to mailto:[email protected]). Nominations must be received by April 15, 2016. These should include the nominee’s name and applicable call sign, the nominee’s contact information, including e-mail and USPS addresses and a telephone number, and a detailed explanation to support the nominee’s qualifications. The individual nominating also should provide contact information.

A plaque will be presented at Dayton Hamvention® or mailed to the recipient. 



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