Ducie Island VP6D Team Awaiting its Turn at Baker Island KH1/KH7Z Radios
Operators on the upcoming VP6D Ducie Island DXpedition, set for October 20 – November 3, are looking forward to their turn at the Elecraft radio equipment used by the KH1/KH7Z Baker Island team. In a recent news release, the VP6D team reported that its plans to activate Ducie Island this fall are on schedule, and the Baker Island radio gear has been returned to Elecraft for inspection, testing, and refurbishing. Members of the VP6D team will travel to California in early August to get the gear ready for shipment to New Zealand. Team member Jacky Calvo, ZL3CW, will then transfer the shipment to the M/V Braveheart, which will carry the VP6D team from New Zealand to its operating destination. Nigel Jolly, K6NRJ, is the captain of the Braveheart.
The VP6D team said it is planning to use FT8 as part of its mode mix on Ducie. “There’s no question that the Baker team had considerable success with FT8,” the VP6D release said. “However, a large percentage of the callers weren’t prepared for the challenges of this new mode. We ask everyone to please read the FT8 DXpedition Mode User Guide. It will be in everyone’s best interest if callers use the most recent software version, correctly configure their equipment, call VP6D above 1,000 Hz, and call in the correct sequence.”
The VP6D DXpedition intends to use Twitter and Facebook to update the DX community on its progress through regular updates. Seven operating positions are planned for 160 – 10 meters, SSB/CW/digital, including FT8.
While on Ducie Island, DXpedition team members will undertake some non-radio related activities. They will collect soil and plant specimens for study by the National Antarctic Scientific Centre of Ukraine to use in their climate change research. The Pitcairn Island government has issued a permit for the specimens to be collected and removed from the island, the news release said.
An uninhabited atoll, Ducie Island is a British Overseas Territory in the Pitcairn Islands in the South Pacific. The last Ducie Island DXpedition was VP6DX in 2008. Ducie is currently the 21st most-wanted DXCC entity, according to ClubLog. It's believed that this would be the fourth DXpedition to Ducie.
Sponsored by the Perseverance DX Group (PDXG), the VP6D Ducie Island DXpedition welcomes support from individuals or clubs. Direct questions to Team Ducie.