Focus on Emergency Communication at Pacificon 2017
Emergency communication will be a prominent part of the program at Pacificon 2017, the ARRL Pacific Division Convention, October 20-22 in San Ramon, California, sponsored by the Mount Diablo Amateur Radio Club.
National SATERN Liaison Bill Feist, WB8BZH, will speak on Saturday and Sunday. The Saturday session will cover “SATERN and Amateur Radio Emergency Communications in the 21st Century,” while the Sunday session will address The Salvation Army and SATERN disaster response to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.
Other public service-related programs include “Communications Infrastructure for Special Events — Supporting the Wildflower Triathlon” by Kenneth Finnegan, W6KWF. “SKYWARN Training” will be offered by Brian Garcia of the National Weather Service; NorCal Founder Paul Young, K6PDY, and Ron Bunch, W4FEK, Mount Diablo ARC Emergency Communications.