IARU Region 3 Directors Meet in Tokyo
The directors of International Amateur Radio Union Region 3 (IARU-R3) met in Tokyo on August 22 and 23 at Japan Amateur Radio League Headquarters. IARU President Tim Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA, and IARU Region 2 President Reinaldo Leandro, YV5AM, also attended.
Special attention was made to study actions required by all societies to support IARU spectrum defense and expansion initiatives at World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC 19). IARU has sought the support of Region 3 member societies for Agenda Item 1.1 — worldwide harmonization of the 50 MHz band. IARU Region 3 will be represented at planning group meetings leading up to WRC 19.
The Region 3 website soon will offer interactive pages where the societies can update information and post important news. Major work is under way to reformat the Region 3 band plan to bring it in line with other regions.
The directors are pursuing the reactivation of Amateur Radio in Fiji and other Pacific islands.
There was also discussion on assisting newcomers to the hobby, especially young operators, with low cost entry level transceivers.
The WIA established an award to recognize Single Operator achievement within Region 3 in the IARU HF Championship.