ITU Working Party 5A1 Completes Draft New Report on WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.1
Working Group 1 of ITU-R Working Party 5A completed work on the sharing and compatibility studies required for WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.1 during the meeting of WP 5A that concluded on May 9. The report, which began as a nine-page document in 2016, grew to 158 pages developed from 60 input contributions over a 3-year period. Working Group 5A1, responsible for amateur matters, is chaired by Dale Hughes, VK1DSH.
Agenda item 1.1 calls on the ITU to study Amateur Service spectrum needs in Region 1 in the 50 – 54 MHz band, taking into account the results of sharing studies between the Amateur Service and other services using the band to ensure protection of these services.
The report describes work undertaken to prepare for Agenda Item 1.1 of World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19) and the associated Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM), which addressed the technical background for WRC. National administrations will use the Draft New Report and the CPM Report to prepare proposals for WRC-19 later this year. Region 1 Regional Telecommunications Organizations (RTOs) will hold preparatory meetings this summer to develop common multi-country proposals. WRC-19 will only consider proposals actually offered by administrations or RTOs.
No impact on Amateur Radio allocations in Regions 2 and 3 is anticipated. WRC-19 takes place October 28 – November 22 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.