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Listen to the ARES® E-Letter


The ARES® E-Letter is now available in audio format. There are three editions currently available, including the most recent recording of the February 16 ARES® E-Letter. Edited for audio by Al Brown, KZ3AB, the ARES® Audio E-Letter is voiced by Tony Riggs, W1FHN. Brown was licensed in 1966. He was a member of the White House Press Corps before retiring from the International Broadcasting Bureau/Voice of America (IBB/VOA). Licensed since 1955, Riggs has worked in both the commercial and public broadcasting venues. He retired after 21 years as a staff announcer and news anchor with the VOA. With more than 35,000 subscribers, the ARES® E-Letter is written by Rick Palm, K1CE and is published each month. Click here to subscribe to the ARES® E-Letter.



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