NCDXF Announces $100,000 Contribution to the 3Y0Z Bouvet Island DXpedition
The Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF) has announced a contribution of $100,000 to the 3Y0Z Bouvet Island DXpedition planned for January 2018. Bouvet is #2 on the ClubLog Most Wanted DXCC List. The contribution is the largest in the history of the NCDXF.
“The 3Y0Z DXpedition to Bouvet Island early next year is likely to be one of the most expensive DXpeditions ever attempted — estimated at over $740,000,” NCDXF Vice President Glenn Johnson, W0GJ, said in announcing the donation. “The 20 team members have already contributed just over half of this amount.”
In addition to substantial financial resources, the 3Y0Z DXpedition will require a considerable amount of radial wire for its vertical antennas. Team member Jim Mornar, N9TK, has been preparing the radials, putting the cut-to-length wire on spools. The radials total 24,000 feet. — Thanks to NCDXF, The Daily DX