Ned Stearns, AA7A, Now Maintaining World Above 50 MHz Standings
Ned Stearns, AA7A, now is maintaining The World Above 50 MHz Standings on the ARRL website. Stearns has chased DX on all bands, operated as part of DXpeditions all over the world, and run moonbounce from home and abroad. He is active on all bands from 160 meters to 23 centimeters.
The World Above 50 MHz Standings page is a listing of station operator-reported information detailing the number of grids, states and DXCC entities worked on 50 MHz and above. This information is reported by the station operator and does not reflect data confirmed by the ARRL Awards Branch. The ARRL will verify the veracity of exceptional claims. Numbers reported should reflect confirmed contacts.
Report information to [email protected]. Visit The World Above 50 MHz Standings webpage.