New Rookie Roundup Rules Go into Effect for SSB Event on April 16
You might be a rookie and not even know it! The definition of a rookie has been changed for the Rookie Roundup, making it possible for more radio amateurs to qualify for the “Rookie” category.
Rookie Roundup is a 6-hour operating event aimed at radio amateurs licensed for 3 years or less. Operators first licensed in 2015, 2016, or 2017 already qualify as Rookies.
Starting with the April 16 SSB event, however, operators licensed before 2015 may enter as Rookies, if they made their first Amateur Radio contact during 2015, 2016 or 2017 — or if they have never before made a contact using the mode of the upcoming Rookie Roundup (i.e., SSB for April, RTTY for August, and CW for December). These operators should send 2017 in their exchange, and those qualifying for either of these reasons will be considered Rookies only for 1 year.
Rookie Roundup is the third Sunday in April (SSB), August (RTTY), and December (CW). Stations send the year they were first licensed as part of the exchange. Rookies attempt to make as many contacts as possible and may work any station. Non-Rookies may only work Rookies.