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Polish Radio Amateur Traveling to North Korea in Advance of Proposed Operation


DXpeditioner Dom Grzyb, 3Z9DX, plans to travel to North Korea later this month to discuss his proposed Amateur Radio operation from that country. North Korea (P5), the most-wanted DXCC entity, has not been activated since Ed Giorgadze, 4L4FN, operated for about a year from the capital city of Pyongyang in 2001-2002. Grzyb expects to arrive in North Korea just before Christmas for what are being called “high-level talks” with government officials regarding his hope to operate from the secretive communist country in January or February of 2016.

He is taking Amateur Radio gear with him on this month’s visit, although he will not be on the air. The equipment will remain in North Korea for his planned P5 operation and will be left there afterward for possible future Amateur Radio operations. Grzyb expects to be in Pyongyang for up to 5 days.

He has said he has received authorization to operate on three bands but plans to concentrate his activity on 20 meter SSB. No CW operation is planned, although he has received many requests for CW operation.

If 3Z9DX is permitted on the air from North Korea, his operation will be very closely monitored by government officials, and he will have to sign a written agreement beforehand. In addition to being restricted to three bands, he may only run 100 W into a vertical antenna.

Giorgadze worked for more than two years to obtain permission to operate on Amateur Radio in North Korea before getting the okay in 2001. — Thanks to DARC, DX, The Daily DX



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