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Pope Francis Visit Amateur Radio Special Events Log More Than 26,000 Contacts


Jim Nitzberg, WX3B, has reported that the recent multi-station special event operation logged more than 26,000 contacts, with a few reports still outstanding. Nitzberg announced the tally when thanking operators for participating “in this historic and fun event.” The majority of contacts were made on HF — especially on 20 and 40 meters — but several contacts also took place on satellites, Earth-Moon-Earth, repeaters, and even through IRLP and Echolink.

“We had participation from New York, New Jersey, Washington DC, Maryland, Pennsylvania — including Philadelphia, where the World Meeting of Families took place — Virginia and Delaware,” Nitzberg said. “Many thanks to all that were involved in the various aspects of leading, organizing and producing this event. It truly was a team effort and an example of Amateur Radio cooperation at its finest.”



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