Registration is Open for the 2017 W9DXCC DX Convention and Banquet
Online registration is now available and the program is shaping up for the 2017 W9DXCC DX Convention and Banquet September 15-16 in suburban Chicago. ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, will be the keynote speaker for this 65th annual W9DXCC event. Discounted hotel rooms can also be booked now.
Sponsored by the Northern Illinois DX Association, W9DXCC will also offer Contest University (CTU) and DX University (DXU) programs on Friday, with presentations for new and veteran DXers and contest operators. The day-long session on Saturday will feature speakers, exhibits, QSL card checking, and a CW pile-up contest, plus prizes. Visit the W9DXCC website for more information and updates, or contact John McCormick, K9KE.