SKYWARN, ARES Stand Down, as Hurricane Lester Passes North of Hawaiian Islands
The SKYWARN activation for Hurricane Lester has been cancelled, according to Clem Jung, KH7HO, ARRL Pacific Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) and Hawaii State SKYWARN Ham Coordinator. Jung had asked Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) teams to stand down on September 2.
“Dangerous surf is still expected across the Hawaii Islands through this weekend,” Jung said. “Thanks to all the SKYWARN volunteers who were willing to be SKYWARN NCS for this activation. Have a great Labor Day weekend.”
The National Weather Service Office in Honolulu says Hurricane Lester will continue to pass just north of the island chain through tonight. “While the stronger winds around the circulation are expected to remain just outside the coastal waters, deep moisture around the periphery will move over the islands today, keeping conditions wet over mainly windward and some interior portions of the state,” the NWS said. “As Lester lifts north of the island chain on Sunday, a humid and somewhat unstable southeasterly flow will bring the possibility spotty heavy showers. A typical trade wind flow will develop on Monday and continue through the week.